I Didn't Know There Was A Doom3 CTF
#1 posted by
pushplay on 2005/07/05 22:18:12
This looks like an improvement on your previous work. Take a look at how the best mappers don't just create a map but an enviroment, with themes and patterns. Keep at it and keep improving, nobody was born a good mapper.
Nifty Looking
Makes me want to get RoE :)
#3 posted by
Method on 2005/07/06 00:16:06
Pushplay: I want to believe that I created an environment and not just a map. Here's what Casey of Threewave Software said:
"MethCTF1 is an enjoyable competitive map with great flow."
Kaziganthe: You can get RoE for about $20 :)
#4 posted by
. on 2005/07/06 01:23:02
I want to believe that I created an environment and not just a map.
That's how I map too. :)
Nice Looking!!!
#5 posted by
Trinca on 2005/07/06 02:45:42
the map have a great looking nice work!
hey why doesn�t nobody in here make a Quake1 dm map with these textures??? convert then to 8 bits but realese with 24 or 32 bits for modern clients read! ruins by Dakoth was realese like this or zaka schloss
#7 posted by
Trinca on 2005/07/06 07:27:59
Quakeworld.nu is down about since last night...it will be up soon!
#8 posted by
JPL on 2005/07/06 07:40:41
OK, I will check it later ;) kthx
Haven't Downloaded Yet
#9 posted by
ProdigyXL on 2005/07/06 13:02:08
But the shots look quality. When I get my system back up from bluescreening at start I'll grab and and give it a run through. Looks like you have a clean layout, which is always nice.
#10 posted by
Method on 2005/07/06 14:41:02
Thanks for the comments guys.
QW.nu got hacked, and won't be up soon, at least thats what Paradoks said, so maybe you should look for screenshots to show elsewhere Trinca.
#12 posted by
gone on 2005/07/08 09:03:49
nice map, but seems too blocky
#13 posted by
Method on 2005/07/08 18:04:28
Speedy: It's clean and fast paced, so you don't get stuck. Judging by your name you like fast pace. Thanks for the comments.