Of Course ...
#1 posted by
metlslime on 2003/01/12 10:38:56
this doesn't mean there won't be any more bugs! :)
<b>Test0r4ge</font Size="7">fff</font><i>
#2 posted by
GibFest on 2003/01/13 16:34:39
<a href="www.test.com">TeSt</a>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
it might be nice to filter out all the testing posts and stuff that everyone has been posting and start afresh.
#4 posted by
metlslime on 2003/01/14 14:05:38
i didn't think it would be necessary, but people seem to have posted them all over the place, even in real threads. On the other hand, once people start using the board, test stuff will naturally be replaced by newer, real content.
#5 posted by
metlslime on 2003/01/14 14:19:45
i did remove the two discussion threads which contained only test posts.
#6 posted by
pushplay on 2003/01/14 15:06:17
I like being able to colour the names.
#8 posted by migtit on 2003/01/15 22:48:25
hey! quake fraggers sup?! yall grenade tossin' bitches beware! i've perfected my rambler move, which killz ya really chunky fine! So what'ya backs man.
#9 posted by ali on 2005/07/11 04:00:34
I Love It
#10 posted by
czg on 2005/07/11 05:17:00
Awesome work metlslime!
It took some time, but I'm glad you worked out all the bugs!
#11 posted by
bambuz on 2005/07/11 07:36:56
the board is made with the best taste - no extra shit like almost everywhere else.
#15 posted by
. on 2005/07/11 11:09:57
I notice Google sometimes comes up with results that don't even exist anymore
#16 posted by
metlslime on 2005/07/11 12:49:59
not suprising; google's image of the internet is always a little behind.
#17 posted by anonymous user on 2016/01/11 00:23:38
#18 posted by anonymous user on 2016/01/11 00:24:26
Bist du bereit f�r eine kleine Utopie?
Does This Mean We're Only Two Days From Func_'s Birthday
#19 posted by
Preach on 2016/01/11 00:51:03
#20 posted by anonymous user on 2016/01/11 01:07:00
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#21 posted by Baker on 2016/01/11 02:37:24
Whatever mfx is drinking must be very good!
#23 posted by anonymous user on 2016/01/11 02:51:41
#24 posted by anonymous user on 2016/01/11 22:55:35
im so sorry, that was all a mistake in trying to extract all posts ever and make a searchable DB for mapping help questions/a wiki.
Nothing that google does better i admit. :(
It Is Me Btw :)
#25 posted by mfx on 2016/01/11 22:55:53