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Speedmapping Thread!
From now on, this thread will be the place to discuss speedmapping issues. This will also be where all speedmapping events will be annouced. This is just an effort to keep General Abuse on it's topic of 'anything' rather than being about speedmapping every weekend.
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Like I said, your map reminded me greatly of my very first released map, and this is may sound pathetic, but Frik's lasts a lot longer.

I enjoyed playing this pack a lot because it made me laugh. I'm involved with a mod project right now, and there's a lot of pressure involved in creating really good maps that other people will be able to enjoy, good gameplay, as perfect as I can make it.

When something like this speedmap session comes along, fun as hell, it's a great way to remind yourself that a game is always about having fun. 
I hate when I have to work at mapping just so it can be fun for someone for 10 seconds.

But really, doesn't that accurately define just about every work of art in the world? Somebody works hard and intensely on this thing, that they completely devote themselves to, and it's so incredibly simple for somebody to look at it for a few seconds, which most people do with art, and dismiss it with "It's not good enough, do better." There will be the few who look into what they see, really focus on it and see the work and heart that was put into it, but how rare are those people? They hardly exist. No matter what the medium, no matter how hard you work, somebody will (maybe) enjoy it for a small portion of their life, and then odds are they will forget about it.

So if you're worrying that somebody will enjoy something you create for a small fraction of time, you should realize how lucky you are that they will even actually enjoy it for that amount of time. 
You have arrived at the truth. However, the flip side of it is this -- once you realize that no one is really paying attention, you can get away with anything. 
That's the advantage. With said realization, you can have a whole lot of fun in life. >:D 
Well, Tact Is Lost On Frib 
Of course, you know there are better ways to say you don't like something other than "All your SP maps suck!"

Usually saying that something sucks is a surefire way to make someone upset. Just my experience. 
Saying that all the SP maps were SHIT, and then telling everyone to not get pissed because it's your opinion is a pretty ignorant thing to do.

You suck shit man, but don't worry, because that's just my opinion. Ask yourself: Do you really feel any less offended because I said it was only my opinion? 
You suck shit man, but don't worry, because that's just my opinion. Ask yourself: Do you really feel any less offended because I said it was only my opinion?

I'm not particularly offended either way. In any case, its obviously just your opinion whether you explicitly state as much or not... I mean unless you can produce convincing documentary evidence that I do, in actual fact, suck shit, then it can't be presented as fact. Even if it were, am I supposed to really give a shit? I'm sorry man, but I don't give a flying fuck what you think! :D

So no, what some random gumby says to me on an internet message board is not going to affect me very much. If it affects you then you need to grow a thicker skin, or get the fuck off the internet. I may not be very tactful but you'll get a lot worse on the net than what you'll get from me, so you better fucking get over yourself and learn not to put too much stock in other people's opinions or else you're going to be offended at every turn. 
this thread is now about how much wyldesnake likes the suck other men's penises. please give your opinion on the matter. 
I Think We Should Have A Combination Penis+DM Theme Next Week. 
Penis+DM Sounds Good...DOM-Junkyard Anyone? 
Well...I didn't mean it...shoulda put a disclaimer with it. Apparently it did bother you though, or you woudln't have said all those mean things in response to my mean thing. 
You'd like to think so, but... no. 
Pah, surely biased towards your true mapping talents!

Although it would be a cool way to honour this debate....DM theme for Frib plus Penis theme for Wild...=) 
I Already Made 
a dm + penis map for the CZG SUCKS session, and in my expert opinion i think it deserves at least three weeks dedicated to the theme. 
In The Words Of Frib.. 
Well suck a flying shit and fuck the internet! Sounds like a fucking good idea to me. 
unless you can produce convincing documentary evidence that I do, in actual fact, suck shit

We have photoshop, we have tubgirl, all we need is a convenient photo of Frib. :) 
Hi I Can Start Speedmapping This Week! 
so.. what did i miss? 
I will not be running a DM specific event, sorry. That was only for that 1 week. Mappers can still choose to do what they will. 
i could have sworn I annouced the event... anyway...

sm85 is tomorrow, 4pm est. theme is male manhood. dm or sp. 100 min timelimit or more or less. #speedq1. email maps to that is all. 
Wtf Indeed 
I will be hosting DM maps from SM85 on my server for limited playability after the event! So map DM and then play your map! 
I'm very happy R.P.G. There is nothing that could make my first DM play more refreshing than penii. 
rpg can we run some (the only 2) sm84 maps aswell? I wanna play scampies...

and blitz promised me a duel on mine :D

btw, I'm so IN this weekend...hope i dont get home late from class, I wanna get a good start on male manhood 
I love what you said about my contribution to the pack on the site. My maps should come with a disclaimer: "Warning, this is only a reenactment." 
If there's time, yeah. SM85 comes first. Otherwise you can use rcon to load the maps some other time. 
RPG, what's the adress of your server? 
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