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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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yeah, nice teaser, now go map 
it's important if you're going to have a wider audience for this (which i think might be reasonable)... but it's pretty good already and it's not the first concern anyway... :)

Actually, someone could make a trailer for the lost chapters too! With music. 
Really Nice Teaser... and maybe with a background music (Doomy-Gloomy like), it could be improved, but it's only my humble opinion... In anyway, release it soon ! 
The building looks cools, but the cliffs are a bit flat, how about adding some horizontal breaks, rather than just vertical ones (at the moment they just look like walls along the edge of crazy paving)

By horizontal breaks, do you mean:

See the cropping up on the right? Did you essentially mean more variation in elevation and jutting out? 
change the texture for something that looks like rock
the ID one looks like old wood or whatever

and shape looks nothing like rocks aswell 
That tex is actually named rock... I don't intend for the stuck-out bits to really be rocks, just parts of the cliff side or whatever. 
Id's Inspiration 
Maybe texas or some part of the world has rocks like that, dunno... doesn't look like northern european rocks anyway. :/
Are you dead-set on id textures? 
Ok, played your map a bit on localhost. Made even locs for it, I'm sending that to you.

I think it's very interesting and could be fun. At first I hated the void but now I'm pretty much ok with it.

There are certainly lots of places for interesting gameplay. A tad low fps near lg.

I don't like the hi-rl gimmick idea, but maybe it would work in-game, dunno. The beam is so thin that if you just shoot some rockets to it, the players will fall to the void - so it would a bit be easy to camp. Maybe it can be tested like this, I don't know if the place otherwise compensates for camping.
The low-rl was hard to find, actually found it only with spectator as did the quad button. I still haven't figured out the ra. :C

And what does a "coagula level" mean? That it's open and platformary?

It could have some interesting combat. I'll try to get it on our clan's private server and see if we can get some 2on2's or something on it.

In the future you could accompany a .txt to tell the gimmicks. (yea now it's still beta...)

I don't know if the layout is THAT hard to learn... if there's locs, it helps greatly when you can spam your own location when running around and figure if you're on the GA-path or YA-path etc.. 
RJ. As I said last night. 
Tim Elek made a series of Quake levels named "Coagula", they can be found in the pak at and a further collection of coagula maps can be found at

I eagerly await the results of some 2on2 action!

The teleporter to the RA is triggered when the Quad gate is opened; it's below the ledge opposite the GA. Double jeopardy :) A good team of four might be able to control both but it's probably not doable with two. Or you could just RJ... something I thought I'd made rather difficult, but like speedrunners... good DM players will usually find a way. 
(1) Screenie 
got the gameplay down, working on the visuals... 
ever heard of jpg and low bandwith connection? 
is a proprietary format and in the interest of my laziness i will use the format that fuhquake exports to ;p 
For Speedy And Vondur... 
WTF Is .png? 
Anyway, the screenshot looks good, keep it going. 
sham dont lie plz, it will do no good to him 
Simple And Effective 
looks simple, minimalist. Well it works, lighting behind the GL looks gay though, fix it! :) 
is that the same map you were beta-testing a couple of weeks ago? 
shambler: thanks, will do

daz: thanks, will fix

tron: yes 
png supports compression, you know. Maybe you should use it. 
Any suggestions as to how I might improve the stair aesthetics? I could give them a flat, diagonal edge instead of jutting steps, but not quite sure what tex fits just right for the side-wall of the stairs themselves. 
stairs have been made in the past... look at them 
Re: Posts 
Phait: Texturing thick stairs like those is a tough task sometimes. As you suggested, putting a flat edge on the sides will give you more options. If you do that, then you can go with either a flat texture like you have now, or a horizontal panel. Either way, you might consider making them thinner.

inertia: Way to be helpful. At least suggest a map that has similarly styled stairs. 
It's hard to tell from those shots - it seems you want advice for the bottom of the stairs. I would say make the bottom much more detailed instead of thick stairs - make the bottom of the stairs thin a little and put some wierd tech-ish detail underneath, such as pipes or just wierd equipment. 
Jpg Is A Proprietary Format 
What the hell? You must be thinking of gif. 
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