Looking Nice There Speeds...
#4 posted by
Snaga on 2002/12/26 21:56:44
nice'n tight looking second shot..

#5 posted by
daftpunk on 2003/01/05 15:07:58
is there a way to avoid the ... (dots) so you can copy and paste the link if you cant be arsed to make the link?

Nice Tex
#6 posted by
GibFest on 2003/01/08 16:26:00
I like the texture set youve gone with is it deathmatch or single player?

#7 posted by
metlslime on 2003/01/11 14:06:40
well, in some browsers you can right click a link and "copy shortcut"

#10 posted by
cyBeAr on 2003/01/16 05:20:50
screenshot 2 and 4 looks nice snaga, lighting looks really washed out in the first shot.

#11 posted by
Snaga on 2003/01/16 05:34:53
The washed out look is I guess a combination of my struggle with screen shot making and Q1rad.

2 And 4 Do Look Really Nice!
#12 posted by
metlslime on 2003/01/16 09:27:15
as for the washout, try using a hardware-accelerated quake?

Necros Is Still Working On A Title
#13 posted by
necros on 2003/01/16 18:10:26
nice brushwork :) lighting is uniformly pale, though, as others mentioned. try darkening the ambience, and adding more attenuation to the wall lights.

#14 posted by
daftpunk on 2003/01/17 07:14:58
snaga. i actually play your alpha every now and again. at first i thought it was a bit simple but it's actually ok. keep posting screenies of the wip. put a big post when you finish it. oh, another thing. are you keeping it a closed space or are you adding some outdoors?

Thanks For Feedback!
#15 posted by
Snaga on 2003/01/17 12:12:14
I�ll continue to work with the lighting problem I have using Q1rad. Keeping contrast seems to get harder the more complex the maps lightig gets.
daftpunk :) glad to hear that! No outdoors though, this map is actually ready for betaing as soon as the lighting get acceptable.
And just for the rec. Shot 1 and 2 is opposite of each other so the light should really be about the same.
I also have a fiew tec. questions but I�ll post them in the right thread (we got to keep this mint Qmap kleen yall ;) )

#16 posted by
daftpunk on 2003/01/20 07:58:02
it to chris-catto@libero.it
when you finish it! you got exams like me in this period? bloody university...

Map Is Betaredy (shots Above) DEATHM
#17 posted by Spee on 2003/01/22 00:48:22
mail speeds@bk.ru

Q3 Map Updated Beta
#20 posted by
nitin on 2003/02/12 03:57:56
*extremely* impressive, visually anyway.
And it plays quite reasonably in FFA too.

#21 posted by
cyBeAr on 2003/02/13 05:36:43
that shot was rather nice but otherwise I don't see what's so impressive (from the screens anyway).

#23 posted by
nitin on 2003/02/13 05:59:44
um yeah sorry my fault, I didnt mention that it actually needs to be downloaded rather than just the screenshots. The map features a rather neat but well pulled off idea of being set in frozen time during a rainy night and a lightning strike. So basically its like running around in a freeze frame at the point the lightning hits the top of the light tower. And the shadow work and general lighting is impressively done.

#24 posted by
R.P.G. on 2003/02/13 13:18:21
I was going to do the same thing in a Q3 map, except I was considering making a city where everything was stopped, with random bits of paper flying through the air, a gas explosion destroying a building, etc etc.

On The Contrary
#25 posted by
daftpunk on 2003/02/13 15:03:12
if you work on it 2nite for 12 hours you'd do quite fine. i think you should work on it mate