#97 posted by
R.P.G. on 2003/03/05 18:00:05
But not as stylin' as my curvy man-pipe!

#99 posted by
Dietz on 2003/03/05 22:32:30
One day you'll learn that your man-pipe is much more stylin' when its straight rather than curvy

#101 posted by
daftpunk on 2003/03/07 08:37:58
keep those thoughts in yer mind or chat wit your girl about it. not here! lol!

#102 posted by
Kell on 2003/03/11 08:15:43
Here's something I was shown by a group of Lego designers:
Their planning on building a Lego model of the Shirow spaceship I designed for my Aliens site - hooyah!

#104 posted by
Wazat on 2003/03/11 12:18:02
very cool, kell. :)
/me misses legos too...

Hell Yeah
#105 posted by
H-Hour on 2003/03/11 12:46:54
to legos. I still have them. Just took down my latest castle a few days ago actually. Need to get a few more pieces and start again soon. :)

Panoramic Screenshots...
#106 posted by
. on 2003/03/12 01:36:12
I had this idea the other day. It could use the Quicktime plugin to have a 360� shot, or just string together multiple images as one wide one. I may be doing this for Pherrous..

#108 posted by
. on 2003/03/12 04:41:23
Can't you do that, or close enough, with changing the FOV?

No You Can't...
#109 posted by
bascule on 2003/03/12 04:58:11
... if you look at the other mod, Fisheye Quake, on the same site, you'll see that increased FOVs in Quake become unviewable very quickly. The Fisheye mod improves that aspect, but does not provide the same view as PanQuake.

Oh Well..
#111 posted by
. on 2003/03/12 05:05:25
I meant more perfect panoramic shots though, not so ... odd. It'd just be a manual shot editing thing

Looks Flat
#113 posted by
nitin on 2003/03/12 17:32:48
and fullbright. That design looks more suited to sp rather tham DM, there hardly appears to be any vertical element at all. Texturing looks good though, maybe spruce up the rockwork at the back as well.

#114 posted by
pushplay on 2003/03/13 02:51:23
I don't like the grill in the middle, pick a more interesting pattern. I love how the arch tex intersects the upper trim in the top left shot.

It's Actually
#115 posted by
. on 2003/03/13 03:16:01
going to be single player now. I've gotten one room done, it's coming along alright. Taking to mind your suggestions, thanks! :)
#116 posted by
Vodka on 2003/03/13 23:30:43
dont listen to pushy and check out tyrlite features for more interesting lighting

#118 posted by
distrans on 2003/03/17 21:41:28
Knave r00lz my world at the moment too. Looking forward to it DaZ.