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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Heh, Well... 
i ripped the stakegun sounds right out of painkiller and synced the rotation of the sng to the noise and removed the muzzle flash from the other barrels except the one. and those stakes are the center part of the quad damage. :D

i've been trying to come up with something along the lines of the one from PK:
i can do the modelling fine, and import it into qme, but i have no idea how to make the cool skins, even though i've read about doing it.

Preach, if i were to give you a finished model, could you make up the skin coordinates? i'd give you credit and all that, although, since we're talking on a public board, almost everyone who does use/play it will know about it. :P 
well, how's this look? tried to keep the quake mood, so it's a strange looking gun and asymetrical. i only realised later that it's more of a left handed gun than right handed, but that's easy to change. 
i left the 'stake' (more of just a placeholder at the moment) in the first shot to give an idea of where it goes. it won't be textured like that in game, probably will be metal or wood (duh :P) 
Yeah, I can do that, just send me or give me a link to the model, but make sure you have everything that you need in the final model all finished before you send it. Once it's skinned, it's a real pain trying to add new parts to it. 
You'll probably end up going w/ his skin but can I have all I need to skin it as well, I wanna give it a try. 
but that's later. ;)

is there a site that explains how to properly import a model into qme and how to animate it from outside of qme? (so importing the frames too) for some reason, the stake doesn't appear in qme... 
Importing Animation Frames 
Usually I just import each frame as a 3ds or dxf file. If you're using QME 3.1, then you can select multiple files and import them all. Presumably the program that you're using to animate them can export single frames of animation, try a different format if that doesn't work. I don't know too much about the process though, as I usually animate using QME anyway.

One more thing...If you're gonna export the frames from another program, save the files you create. When I skin the model, you have to import the frames again, you can't add the skin to an animated model(although if you have an animated .mdl, you can export all the frames and then just import them to the skinned version) 
The old Quark4.07 has a way to copy files to eachother as you start the model-editor twice.
So you can select and deselect them mutual, as long as you rename them.

Finding the garavity 800 key can't resist me to make another level...thanx necros. 
if i give you a .md2 with all the frames in there already, will that be ok to do the skinning?

i coulnd't figure out to export specific frames into individual files, so i opted to get this thing called QTip which is a plugin for 3dsmax and export to md2 automatically... 
Post Gravity #999 
That is shaping up to look interesting. I like the supports in particular. 
Yup, I can do it from that, send it along. 
Put some trim around the top of the arch. It's looking good. 
Never liked lava in base maps myself. 
has its context, friend. 
I Haven't 
seen lava in base maps, or arches, so I wanted to do that. 
Rusted Base 
if it's *slime in a base map, it's called 'toxic waste'
if it's *lava in a base map, it's called 'molten metal'

I cannot self-terminate; you will have to lower me into the steel. 
/me lowers Kell into the steel. 
/me gives a last thumbs up as my screen goes blac...* 
The unwritten future rolls toward us. I face it for the first time with a sense of hope, because if a poster, a Kell, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too. 
but unfortunately when this future arrives it is in the form of a mediocre cash-in where the only truly good part is a truck chase scene.

...doh, kill me now... 
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