Great Map!
#1 posted by DaZ on 2018/02/09 12:57:16
demo : skill 2 6/12 secrets
This map feels like it was ripped directly from the original game. Classic in terms of visuals and gameplay!
Nice interconnected layout that is easy to navigate. Lots of nods to the original levels without being cheesy.
I found the difficulty slightly lacking on skill 2, but again it felt like it was balanced with 1996 skill levels in mind rather than the modern player.
Great secrets!
Good Map!
#2 posted by Shambler on 2018/02/09 13:01:59
demo : skill 2 9/12 secrets (4:20 onwards)
This map feels like it was ripped directly from the original game. Classic in terms of visuals and gameplay! However it is a bit disparate in how different some of the more complex designs are from the simpler designs.
Nice interconnected layout that is fun to navigate although occasionally confusing. Lots of nods to the original levels without being cheesy.
I found the difficulty absolutely fine on skill 2, but again it felt like it could have done with a bit more beef in a couple of larger areas (but the tighter areas were tricky enough).
Great secrets!
#3 posted by scar3crow on 2018/02/09 18:55:04
Did a 100% run, so, don't watch it if you want any aspect of it unspoiled.
Ogres In The Hall Of Id
#4 posted by Spud on 2018/02/11 02:44:22
There's something to be said for larger maps that still use vanilla Quake, with so many authors preferring to build off Quoth/AD now. Not sure what else can be typed other than what's already been posted; fun if slightly lacking in difficulty on Hard for large portions, with most of my damage coming from getting a bit too close with grenades in the smaller hallway areas. Thought I was doing better finding secrets than I actually was, found the Faces of Evil but never found my way to the armor at the end. I did find a glimpse into the void, though. Don't think it's an actual leak given visibility culling seems to be working properly, so probably just a small graphical error caused by the compiler not playing nice with multiple angled brushes, I've seen it a few times myself while futching around. 7/12 secrets, 132/132 kills, demo on skill 2 here.
Getting Grim On The Quake Grave
#5 posted by ArrrCee on 2018/02/12 23:27:45
I had a lot of fun with this one. I love that it embraces the vintage feel of Quake and runs with it!
About the only critque I have to it would be if you're looking to make the map a bit more contemporary would be the feeling scale. Things feel a little small or cramped at times, which makes the map feel dated. If you play some of the newer maps out today, you'll see that bridges are much bigger than the one found in the first area of this map, and therefore feels a bit more lived in and beleivable. All of the textures are from Vanilla Quake too, where I know that most map authors now are using custom textures most of the time.
This is really nit picky though because I enjoyed myself and I feel we need vintage/vanilla Quake maps to come out along side all of the contemporary feeling maps. Nice work on this, especially liked the crazy ending there. =)
Liked It!
#6 posted by Orl on 2018/02/13 23:34:42
Always nice to see an old school mapper make a return even if just for one map.
First run demo, hard skill:
#7 posted by Jaromir83 on 2018/02/14 12:53:20
very enjoyable, felt vanilla
Don't Be So Grim You Big Quim.
Skill 2 demo
Final stats
Fantastic map, chuffed to bits that such a proper vanilla id1 experience can exist in 2018.
Even though the scale obviously increased as the map went on, there was intense attention to detail at both ends of the map. I loved all the intricate ceilings even in the most normal of rooms, so much care must have gone into all of them.
The gameplay was fine on skill 2 though I wouldn't have minded some more spikes in difficulty (I think there was only one Enforcer in the map total, as opposed to lots of Grunts?) Then again, I found 6 secrets*, including two armors, so maybe without them it's about Hard enough??
* - I then realised I missed some I've already seen on a stream, and ended up with 10 on a second run. Really well done secrets though.
My only complaint is the severe lack of Spawns in the whole thing... ;-)
It Is Basically Quake Greatest Hits.
#9 posted by Shambler on 2018/02/18 13:26:35
And great fun at that.
#10 posted by Drew on 2018/02/18 17:37:35
I ducking love Andrew smith maps. So cool!
#11 posted by Tribal on 2018/02/19 06:20:00
Oh, i forgot to post here my playthrough of the Grim Outpost:
As i said to Andrew Smith on twitter, this map is awesome! It has lots of secret passages, lots of interconnected corridors (but i never got lost because every section/room is unique), and it has all the quake weapon's to play with! Everything is perfect!
And yes, i know, the fiends in my video has a wall texture as a skin XD (if you want to, go at 26:12 to see). I think it's a FTE's bug. Andrew use a custom texture called "demon" and maybe the engine thought that was a replacement for the demon's skin:
I don't know =D
Christ's Balls.
Why is this only at 13 replies???
I Replied On Twitter
This is a great fucking map. Everyone on func needs to play this today.
#16 posted by Redfield on 2018/03/14 00:34:38
Ok ok, relax here is my demo, skill 2 all secrets, first run:
This was an amazing old school id style map, with the level of polish absolutely above the id standards. It felt like I was playing my favourite levels from the mission packs. The level did look and play a lot like Ogre citadel in terms of layout and secrets, but still very unique.
Great job, had fun!
Too. Many. Releases.
#17 posted by Qmaster on 2018/03/14 17:54:58
Awesome map overload!!
Awesome Stuff
Played on stream tonight.
Really nice vibe to the map, very vanilla. Played on nightmare, felt good, gameplay was excellent. Reminded me a lot of E2M2.
One of the big highlights of the map was the balance of detail, not over the top with detail, but polished regardless... Just before the end there was a really nice section with a lot of vertical height and progressively nicer detail up to the ceiling. I really appreciated this area because it is so different than I would do myself.
Some really nice subtle texturing details, like the quake logo in green / grey rock. And the face in the copper texture.
Another thing done really well was the secrets, I got 10 / 12. Some of them felt a bit easy, but those had rewards that were fairly light, so that was fair I guess.
The only critical feedback is really nit-picky stuff. I'll go ahead and offer it anyway, but take it with a grain of salt.
There were a few encounters where the player could have been pressed harder from behind.
There was one area where there was a couple of crates and a secret button on the wall above one of them. The way you designed to get this secret I felt was a little simple. I felt like skill jumps from the window ledge would have made for a more rewarding experience.
There were a couple of other places where the secret was triggered and it wasn't obvious what had opened, or what had changed.
I didnt realise until about half way through the map that I should have been playing without water alpha (one secret was too easy to find because of this). Modern engines can enforce this via worldspawn keys, something to maybe include in your next release.
Really solid map. One of the best vanilla-ish maps I can remember playing in the last year.
Forgot To Link The Vod
What A Blast!
#20 posted by anonymous user on 2018/07/11 21:54:11
Oh my... What a blast from the past.
That was when the real Quake gems were made.
This was for sure one of the best maps i played.