#1 posted by
Spirit on 2015/05/24 13:26:52
You can still readme+zip this one!
#2 posted by
SgtCrispy on 2015/05/25 02:03:28
Yay for broken screenshots!
I don't quite have the setup to play online but it looks good.
Zip And Screenshots
#3 posted by
Dr4k0 on 2015/05/25 05:09:08
"complete With Hideous Distracting Logos"
#4 posted by Baker on 2015/05/25 05:18:14
Those aren't logos ;-)
Some people may be disturbed when they discover what those logos are, hehe.
#5 posted by
distrans on 2015/05/25 06:05:28
...having the items display that way speed up gameplay?
from the screenshots it looks very... aerowalk.
Not Bad
I feel like some of the walkways and ledges are too narrow and theres pokey out bits you can snag yourself on. When it comes to online DM maps (at least for 90's fps) you need to make sure the floors and walkways are clutter-free.
#8 posted by
JneeraZ on 2015/05/25 12:09:27
Or are at least clip brush'd effectively that the players basically slide over everything.
One of the metrics we used to use back in the day was to run backwards around the map. See where you get snagged.