#1 posted by
metlslime on 2003/06/20 05:35:09
good grimyness, lots of variety. The colors are okay, but it's pretty obvious you made these in 24-bit and then tried to fit them into the quake palette.
I look forward to seeing them in a map! Prefereably a quake map!

Me Likes
#2 posted by nakasuhito on 2003/06/20 06:34:02
nice textures speedy

As I already told you Speeds, these textures rock. I already started playing around with them which made me unavailable to put the finishing touches to the map i'm currently working on. It's all your fault! ;)

#5 posted by
nonentity on 2003/06/21 17:40:00
Any chance of the 24-bit textures in a zip?

#6 posted by biff_debris on 2003/06/21 18:29:56
/me squeals like a stuck pig

I Want These...
#7 posted by
Wazat on 2003/06/21 19:08:00
As soon as I can get on a computer that doesn't ban planetquake sites for inappropriate content (*^*^%# library comps), I'll download this. Thanks!
#8 posted by
Kell on 2003/06/21 21:10:56
ban planetquake sites for inappropriate content

#10 posted by
here on 2003/06/22 02:19:57
Very good textures !!! And dark ambience :-)))
#11 posted by
Vodka on 2003/06/22 21:00:44
no, I have no 24 bit versions (except few base ones)
if you want to map in radiant, then use texmex (select all, file/export to jpg)

#12 posted by Tron on 2003/06/23 11:37:50
Look very nice, I'm going to have to restrain from downloading these until after July 2 though if I ever want to finish this damn map. :)

#13 posted by
DaZ on 2003/06/27 15:14:51
no, I have no 24 bit versions (except few base ones)
if you want to map in radiant, then use texmex (select all, file/export to jpg)
Bah, no I wanted the higher quality ones to use as TGA hi res textures for use in TomazQuake etc, no matter...

#14 posted by Speedy Rules!! on 2003/06/27 22:34:47
I've been a big fan of speedy as a person and as a mapper and texture artist! Man, your work seems to get better and better every time...some game company oughta snatch you out of Siberia and put you to work. Looks awesome man.
#15 posted by
. on 2003/06/28 06:10:39
What next, Speedy merchandise?

Yum, Rusty Industrial
#17 posted by
grahf on 2003/06/30 12:29:20
i started making a few rooms with these texes, and i gotta say I like them a lot. very good variety, so they are quite usable. though no door textures, that's my only complaint.