#15440 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/09/16 18:56:29
If the texture name start with a "*" it's liquid.
#15441 posted by Lunaran on 2015/09/16 19:52:29
Don't box your maps because you can't find a leak. Every editor loads pointfiles, just use the tools to fix the leak. Otherwise you're tripling the size of your .bsp with a ton of useless surfaces, all lightmapped with acres of black.
The compiler needs a leak-free hull to know what surfaces to prune away. When you put the whole map in a box, the compiler prunes away just the outside of that box and keeps everything else.
yeah, it was a temporary measure, now that I've changed my sky back to a solid >_> there are no leaks
#15443 posted by adib on 2015/09/17 04:33:34
I liked the navigation. Actually I'm resisting the temptation to steal your level.
Here is a demo with the Reaperbot:
Thanks man.
Whenever I see bots play I'm always reminded that they're accurate idiots.
I'm still not sold on the teleporter destinations. When I first made the map it had really good flow, but would have been confusing for players, as the teleporters they came out by didn't teleport them to where they came from.
So I decided to make the borders of the teleporters and the destination pads textured similarly, so that the player would get used to what comes out where.
In hindsight I'm not sure if adding a mnemonic to remember destinations is worth the sacrifice.
#15445 posted by adib on 2015/09/17 09:29:21
I missed it because I don't have the textures. I played on checkers, mostly. If you don't mind I'd love to make a "reload", new version or whatever (of a map that's not even finished, I know). But if you mind, no problem, looking forward to play it :D
 Sure Thing
Let me know if you need me to reupload the .map file as I removed it from dropbox.
If you want to play the textured (latest) version to get a better feel for what I was going for I've uploaded it: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/108695968/hellvert.bsp.zip
It's still incomplete but it's getting there.
#15448 posted by adib on 2015/09/17 20:06:06
#15449 posted by Ruin on 2015/09/18 04:19:42
The message is:
WARNING: CutNodePortals_r:new portal was clipped away
This is the only warning I'm getting. No more warnings about leaks, but it still won't vis. It's not writing the prt file, but it's also not writing a .por file either, so I can't pinpoint the clipping portals, or the leaks.
Sorry it took me so long to write this.
 That Warning
#15450 posted by ijed on 2015/09/18 04:30:01
Is not stopping Vis AFAIK...
 Paste The Complete Qbsp Output Please
#15451 posted by mfx on 2015/09/18 07:31:37
use pastebin.
#15452 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/09/18 12:04:25
I get about 5,000 of those warnings every time I make a map. I wouldn't worry about it. I can't remember the last map I made that had clean output from QBSP...
#15453 posted by mfx on 2015/09/18 13:43:10
I usually fix those, because i can.
#15454 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/09/18 17:44:45
How? I'm willing to learn but I have no idea what it's even talking about so ...
#15455 posted by mfx on 2015/09/18 19:36:17
Well, i had the intent to document my experiences with all those errors (and how to fix them) anyway.
Thing is, i probably need visual examples, be it drawings or map snippets to explain this in detail.
But, for those errors to appear in thousands, you prolly have to raise the machine epsilon first.
Try a value of -epsilon 0.0125, raising in 0.0025 steps.
I compile often, just to look at the output, not loading the map in engine. I do this regularly, after adding rooms, rockwork, special detailed structures..
So i am able to nail those errors down very early, not having to check whole maps afterwards.
Next thing to check are those suspicious coords like having a vertex at 800 -64 - 128.0000023.
Those are the bane mostly, locking them to grid fixes portal cut away errors, at least for me.
When i find a portal error i cant fix with above methods/precautions, i make a new small brush at the specified coords, and look to "expand" existing brushwork to cover that brush.
Can be anything, pillars, more rocky wobbles, anything. Usually this all leaves me with no errors in the end.
I admit, the "real" reason for those is cloudy to me too, looking at the src left me shaking my head til dizzyness. :)
More later, must consult a friend.
#15456 posted by mfx on 2015/09/18 19:53:06
floating point stuff is the main reason for those errors to appear, just reassured. Build stuff on grid!
#15457 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/09/18 20:52:58
Thanks a ton, man! I'll try to put that into practice on my next map and see what happens... Clean compiler output would be nice for a change. :P
 Mfx... Unless You Already Know...
#15458 posted by JPL on 2015/09/18 20:56:09
You should read the Quake mapping Holy Bible, the Q1 tooltips from aguirRe (http://user.tninet.se/~xir870k/tooltips.txt)
#15459 posted by mfx on 2015/09/18 20:58:41
I recite that before going to sleep. Everyday. Out of my head...!
 Good !
#15460 posted by JPL on 2015/09/18 21:00:07
You are forgiven, sinner !
#15461 posted by ericw on 2015/09/18 21:00:44
Don't remember that page, looks like a gem!
 Yep Its Gold.
#15462 posted by mfx on 2015/09/18 21:08:40
And as it states, those portal cut away errors are not critical, you may end up with a total errorfree BSP that still has those errors when compiled.
Nowadays compilers aren't vulnerable to those errors, thanks to rebb and ericw!
Still you may find missing faces, small HOMs, nonsolid floors, all that jazz.
So better stackenblock* all on grid.
#15463 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/09/18 21:24:04
Well, it's less the compiler I'm concerned about and more the engine. I'm sure those errors don't help with mysterious collision problems and such.
#15464 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/09/18 21:24:16
As you said. Fuck.
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