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Review Of Lunaran's Q2 Map And One Interview
RetroQuake has posted an interview with Phait about his upcoming release, System 4. Also a review of Lunaran's Q2 map, The Gridiron.
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Hold off the fucking interviews until Phait has actually released something good that we're all playing. 10,000 screenshots, promo videos, avi walkthroughs, soundtracks interviews and who knows what the fuck else....forget it, this is a Quake map not fucking Doom5. It's not about creating celebrities who haven't actually done fuck all....and you're idiots for being part of it. 
Dont' Forget To Breathe. 
Wow, did somebody forget to take their happy pill today? 
I Can Understand The Scepticism 
But even Mind Crime benefited from prerelease publicity for Nehahra, and I doubt it spawned much hand wringing at the time. Different times though. 
As For Promo Videos, 
There is no point in protesting their existence, they are here to stay. 
PreRelease Interviews 
As for waiting till something is released before interviewing, pick up practically any game mag out there and you're gonna see interviews with people before their product is released. Sure it's not Doom5 but it's something new for a game that I thought was what this community was based upon. A game that would've died long ago if it wasn't for people, like Phait, creating new content for it. Shambler, you know this to be truth.

If we stop promoting each others stuff then what's the point? Do you really want to create something and noone know about it? Doesn't promotion from others help encourage map/mod authors to get the job done? How many mod/map authors don't publicize thier stuff on their website and try and get others to see it, complete or not?

Yes, Phait has been showing his stuff in different ways. So what! Is the mapping community going to put him down because he's creative on how he's marketing his free add-on? Give me a fucking break!

So now I'm an idiot for helping him. Wow! Well I'm glad to be an idiot then because that ranks me up with a ton of great sites, past and present, that have been covering unfinished projects for years.

This idiot wants to see more files created for his favorite game and this idiot is more than happy to promote any unfinished project for his favorite game! I don't care if it's a 256kb dm level or 54mb conversion. I say bring it on and promote the shit out of them because I don't want to see Quake die!

Shambler,I do see your point, but to resort to name calling is childish. I'm not trying to make a celebrity, I'm trying to promote my favorite game and provide content for my visitors. In other words, I'm doing my fucking job! 
I have plans to someday do something. I've made a single room and can provide you with 57,000 screenshots and a video.

Can I have an interview? 
I Will Interview You Scampie. 
The subject will be "Angsty N00bs and Excessive Promotion - An Interactive Debate By Shambler And Scampie".

Coming shortly after, a musical version.

P.S. D0rk, when Phait actually creates some new content for Quake, I will give him due credit. 
<scampwork> Cuntsp4bler: how are you doing today?
<Cuntsp4bler> apart from want to stick d0rkwolf and phait in a box and fill it with hot lead, i'm doing okay thanks
<Cuntsp4bler> scamp, i'd wait for d0rkwolf to post an 8 page review dedicated to this wonderful amazing new content for quake complete with interactive flash walkthrough demo and brush by brush analysis
<Cuntsp4bler> then i would put him in the box too
<scampwork> Thank you for participating in a two question interview. 
But Where's The Second Question?!?!?!??!?! 
Shit, Missed The Second Question 
<scampwork> Cuntsp4bler: how are you doing today?
<Cuntsp4bler> apart from want to stick d0rkwolf and phait in a box and fill it with hot lead, i'm doing okay thanks
<scampwork> May I ask, what are you plans so far as to what you would do if the box you put phait in turned out to be his map he made?
<Cuntsp4bler> scamp, i'd wait for d0rkwolf to post an 8 page review dedicated to this wonderful amazing new content for quake complete with interactive flash walkthrough demo and brush by brush analysis
<Cuntsp4bler> then i would put him in the box too
<scampwork> Thank you for participating in a two question interview. 
I have been interviewed by the intended interviewee!

Like a chicken and egg thing. Only with less chickens and no eggs. 
lol, sure scampie. just email the info to and he will take it from there!

O.K. so I went off. The idiot thing really pissed me off! btw, I am far from a NOOb the angsty part, yea, probably.

Honestly though, I would love to do more interviews with mappers. I personally enjoy reading them and I'm not alone.

shambler I'll even interview you! Question 1, So Shambler have you always been this good at being an ass or was it something you feel you've perfected over time? :) 
Answer To Above Question: 
Yes and Yes. 
Ok Then 
Shambler do you like to brush your teeth before or after you suck on scampies balls?
<shambler: mumble, mumble>
What's that I can't hear you? Oh well, let me ask Trampie a question then. Trampie when you get your ass plugged by shambler do you prefer it lubricated or dry?
<trampie: mumble, mumble>
Wow, that's really interesting. Well you two just keep enjoying yourselves and try not to choke to death. Thank you for your time. 
The Next Day 
*knock knock - door opens slightly
Hello? OMFG!!!

*Trampie and Shambler are lying on the floor. Apparently they've teabagged each other to death!

Should I call 911? Nah, nobody will give a shit anyway.

*Walks out- door closes. 
You are as good at comedy as you are at retaining a sense of balance and perspective about Quake mapping. 
You know what, screw it. I was wrong for slamming on you guys, I should've been above that. My apologies. I didn't come here to make enemies, I came here to promote my site and try and help some other people out along the way. If you don't like the content I provide, sorry. I try the best I can.

Nah don't apologise, beef is good, lol. 
I was chatting with DorkWolf about various Quake related things and the add-on, and it was like this after awhile:

DorkWolf: whoah this has become like an unofficial interview

Phait: Heh, it could be official, but what's the point? It's just an add-on

DorkWolf: Yeah but plenty of people are interested, so why not tell those who are interested more about it?

Phait: I dunno... (later --) oh hell why not.

Yeah it's probably pretentious, I considered that - but I didn't think it'd hurt doing it anyway. And if you know me I'm the king of pretentious anyway. Did I really need a trailer? No, but I enjoy doing stuff like that so I did it.

Now, life is short and I'm going to pursue some other opportunities as always. 
Sham would kill/die to remain the only qmap-celebrety who hasnt mapped
Also he really has a kind of professional hate towards anyone writing about quake maps :)

DorkWolf, make up your mind, either you are a jackazz like the rest or the boring 'lets just be friends' panzy.
And just one question: was it phait who had the idea of doing this interview? 
Look One Post Above Yours Speedy 
From what Phait has said it was just a conversation that DorkWolf decided to post up.

I think everyone needs to take a chill pill. 
So Any Fuckin' Way 
How about that Lun Q2 map? 
Im Ignoring Phait 
blame both
and Von
who approved it for news

hey, we havent had a nice flamewar for a while
so stuff the chill-pills 
Too Funny! 
First time I've been to Func_Qmap in about 6 months and NOT been bored silly. Keep it up!

Shambler = teh r0ckbler 
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