Hmmm Mmmm
#1 posted by
Shambler on 2005/03/12 08:02:23
Shots look very interesting, will check this out for sure, pon the dl w3rd.
Who The Fuck News'd This?
#2 posted by
- on 2005/03/12 11:56:40
1 sentance to describe the level is crap.
#4 posted by
Shambler on 2005/03/12 12:46:28
<CamomileTeabler> meh
<CamomileTeabler> okay
<CamomileTeabler> the outside bits are cool
<CamomileTeabler> nice idea
<CamomileTeabler> bit bloody big
#5 posted by
- on 2005/03/12 13:35:57
To use a single sentance to describe the map: It's a huge, meandering layout of mishmashed themes stuck together with halls, and uses damn near every effect in d3.
Having only a couple areas that look down to another floor is not good deathmatch design. Using a billion unneeded effects and 'set peices' is not good deathmatch design. Having a giant outside area that's wholly boring to play is not good deathmatch design.
This would have been great made as a single player map... but in deathmatch it seems more like the author is trying to say 'look at what I can do!' rather than attempting to engage the player in anything that is fun.
#6 posted by
Kinn on 2005/03/12 14:03:55
After reading the feedback on map-center for this map, it was quite funny coming back to func and seeing the posts in this thread ;)
Honest Opinions Are A Rare Thing On The Interweb
#7 posted by Friction on 2005/03/12 14:31:50
My other theory is that most internet users are actually blind. Anyways, this a SP map trying it's damnest to be a MP map.
#8 posted by
nitin on 2005/03/12 17:06:35
it was me, I checked the links but couldnt really find any more info on the map. As I dont have D3, couldnt write more on it either. Plus, I thought we needed news anyway.
#9 posted by
necros on 2005/03/13 00:22:20
i'll definatly check it out, if only to see what is possible in the outdoor areas department in d3.
the shots look pretty nice too. :)
i guess the gameplay doesn't really bother me much since i hardly ever play dm anyway. but yeah, it would have been nice to have another sp map instead of a useless dm one. oh well.
#10 posted by
. on 2005/03/13 01:15:12
Did anyone even play DM on this map or are you just trying to be dicks?
#11 posted by Captain Obvious! on 2005/03/13 15:21:47
#12 posted by
- on 2005/03/13 15:35:41
Did you even DOWNLOAD the map or are you just trying to derail the thread with sensationalist bullshit?
It's Not Derailing
#13 posted by
. on 2005/03/13 17:58:58
It's a question, you elitist cocksucker.
#14 posted by
cant map on 2005/03/14 01:14:13
Im so hacking monsters into it :)
lol Captain Obvious
#15 posted by
JPL on 2005/03/14 02:29:22
Screenshots look good. IMHO, the first one is the most impressive, with the high voltage cables and the nice background texture ;) Nice work really...