#1 posted by Friction on 2003/04/25 18:44:06
252e ticket, what do they take me for, Nokia CEO?
#2 posted by Friction on 2003/04/25 18:49:50
252e ticket, what do they take me for, Nokia CEO?
#3 posted by Friction on 2003/04/25 18:50:44
This thing double posts easily.
#4 posted by Paul on 2003/04/25 18:52:23
Its not just for people in the UK, hence Bal and Sleepwalker. Anyone in #tf is welcome to make the trek over.
#5 posted by sock on 2003/04/25 18:53:42
Need to decide on which weekend is everyone available for?
 That Would Be So Cool.
#6 posted by . on 2003/04/25 21:14:17
But Ive only got $545 which is going towards a new PC and uh... yeah right! :P In merka here.. talk about a long flight.
 You Don't Need A New PC...
#7 posted by metlslime on 2003/04/25 21:18:48
to play quake!
 I`d Love To Come Except...
#8 posted by Shambler on 2003/04/25 22:25:20
1. You`re all cunts.
2. I don`t drink.
3. There`s no way I can be arsed to go to the city.
4. See 1. again.
#9 posted by Killes on 2003/04/26 00:04:57
ooooooooh what if i came ? :P
#10 posted by Shambler on 2003/04/26 03:03:51
You`d be a cunt too.
But I doubt anyone is inviting you...
 Killes / Shambler
#11 posted by Paul on 2003/04/26 06:27:58
If you came then we could have a BBQ. Spit roast Killes... actually on second thoughts that isn`t a good idea.
1. I don`t see that as reason to stop you.
2. You don`t have to drink.
3. London is not that bad. What about Birmingham?!
4. See 1.
 Shambler Won�t Show
#12 posted by wrath on 2003/04/26 06:44:50
cause it would totally destroy his online persona.
 Sounds Good
#13 posted by starbuck on 2003/04/26 07:03:56
It`d be very interesting to see some #tf peeps in the flesh (and I don`t mean those pictures I was sent!). However, can I suggest early July instead of sometime in June? as from the start of July, I`ll have work and college over with and I`ll be able to turn up.
#14 posted by Paul on 2003/04/26 07:24:58
Thats not good for me since I`m on me hols first week of July.
#15 posted by nonentity on 2003/04/26 07:56:37
Yeah, I`d be interested, I`ll ask pingu and than since they don`t read here much (afaik).
#16 posted by starbuck on 2003/04/26 08:14:50
are you back after the first week?
 Oh Wait
#17 posted by starbuck on 2003/04/26 08:16:56
i see you mean you`re off for a while after then
how about the weekend at the end of june (26th&27th)?
 Yeah I'd Come Too
#18 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/04/26 10:25:03
if somebody paid my air ticket.
#19 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/04/26 10:26:20
Shambler is just making cheap excuses because then somebody might actually (gasp!) know something about his real life!
Also, Vondur needs to be there.
#20 posted by Vondur on 2003/04/26 11:02:19
i`ll be drunk very quickly and will act silly. like trying to play quake or might start mapping even, or something like that. ie, i`ll be annoying ;)
and londonium is too far for me, a pity though ;)
 Chances Are...
#21 posted by Drannerz on 2003/04/26 11:56:43
Me and DaZ will be indecisive, probably.
 Meh Si Teh No Brit....
.. but I'd be really interested in joining in on the fun. The only problem is that I don't really have the money :(...
/me thinks about robbing a bank
 No No, Gom
#23 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/04/26 15:13:01
Just become a prostitute! "Suck sucky, cheap cheap" and "Me ruv you rong time" usually work pretty well. Err, I mean, so I'm told.
#24 posted by DaZ on 2003/04/26 15:59:27
Im up for it, just name where/when...
 Know We Know How Rpg Makes A Living
#25 posted by Vodka on 2003/04/26 23:30:20
Id love to attend the meeting but as always..
money and visa problem .
Jet to london and back will be like 500$
How about VondurCon at some nearby city :) ?