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What`s Happened In Gaming In The Last 8 Months??
Hi all. Some of you may remember me. I`ve been away for a little while (metaphorically and literally). Upon my return home I`m going to try to get back into gaming a the meantime I`ve got questions.

Now, I`m wondering, what has happened in the last 8 months or so?? I see QMap a different name =). What else??

What games have been cool or are looking cool?? What should I be looking out for??

I see that U2 and UT2 have been god companies are actually releasing games these days. And C&C Generals and Impossible Creatures and... And then I`ve seen you lot posting about Enclave which sounds bloody great - anyone drawing any comparisons to the mighty Severance/Blade yet??
Any views on these games?? I`d like to hear from nitin and other such people who try plenty of different games...

Anything interesting happening in mapping?? Gossip, scandal, that sort of thing?? Anyone mapping for new games?? Any interesting developments??

Oh yeah and go ahead and discuss this stuff hmmm...
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he has a VERY slow modem? 
Tardage Indeed 
just kidding :) 
Hey Shambler 
I like the 2 discussions you`ve started.

8 months` events as Wazat sees them:
Several nice quake1 single player maps have been released in the past few months, and I`m enjoying them. I can give you a list of names if you like (though I might be pressed to find a download).

My real passion is deathmatch, especially in my mod Jeht:
</shameless plug>

Warcraft 3 was a flop in my opinion. The single player was decent, but I completely failed to become interested in its multiplayer. Mostly because all of its gameplay seems centered around building your heros to level 9 and then attacking. :(
I just know I`m gonna get flamed for that one... ;0

I`ve been playing Soldat recently, and it`s a total blast! Imagine combining Scorched Earth and Quake deathmatch....

I`ve enjoyed Unreal Tournament a great deal, but haven`t tried any mods or custom maps for it. Odd...

I did not like UT2003 at all. Everything from the human voices to the rediculous announcer to removing Assault to the simple lack of interesting or non-ugly environments. The textures "seemed" low-res, even though they weren`t. The gameplay seemed slow. The weapons were pretty and cool but all the levels in the demo just weren`t interesting to me.
I just know I`m gonna get flamed for that one too. ;)

QExpo (quake1) is approaching. It`s scheduled for late June or early July. It`d be great to have a map reviewer such as yourself holding a booth, as we`re expecting some good quake1 sp and dm maps to come our way, as well as a bunch of mods. But you may feel quake1 is old. *shrugs*

*This concludes Wazat`s list of things that are interesting from the past 8 months. Everything not listed is either irrelavent, or not traumatic enought to impress itself into his memory.

In UT2003, you can shut the announcer and other voices up, and they have released an assault mod.

Textures, if you are talking about the demo ("levels in the demo just ") the textures were of a lower quality than in the final game, for the sake of the demo file size.

Seemingly slow gameplay, can`t help you with that, although play Unreal2 for a while, and then play UT2003 and you`ll feel like you are on steroids ;)

Levels in the demo, while they were among my favorites in the full game, depending on personal preference, there are better ones, the bonus packs do contain some good maps. plus there are "some" good custom maps coming out. On the subject of levels, the final level in UT2003 would have to be the worst level I have ever seen, it is pathetic.

I prefer Quake myself (any of the Quakes) but UT2003 is still a blast 
Yea, I Prefer Quake Too. 
UT2003 just wasn`t my thing, I guess.

The voices and such that they choose for a game`s final release drastically affects people`s ability to like it, even if there are mods to fix it.

Plus I felt like a midget running around because of the camera height. Did anyone else get that feeling? 
And you think Than lets me near his house?

Does he let you near his pants though?? 
Thanks for that info. I saw QExpo is biannual. Probably a good idea given how much work it can be.

I`ve managed to try UT2....not impressed so far (albeit for different reasons). It`s UT with better graphics (in the cases of the weapons and characters, unnecessarily better). Same weapons but with different names (I like the 3 rocket limit but not the lack of grenade spam), similar power-ups. Only played a couple of levels, they seemed fine though not revolutionary. And collecting pills for special moves....WTF is this, Super Mario Tournament or something?? I`m not so keen on all these tricks being planned, built in, and open to any newbie, as someone who learnt tricks the hard way when they were esoteric and exciting to discover. And shipping without Assault. No. 
Anyone Want To Play, BTW?? 
For the first time ever I have temporary access to a connection better than my usual "two cups and a piece of string". So in theory I could play some of you lot online.

Games I`ve got available: UT2, Battlefield 1942, Iron Storm, IGI2, Splinter Cell, WC3, C&C Generals, AOM....(okay and CS but there is no way in hell...)

Games I know how to play: UT2.

Games I could probably learn: The other FPSs.

Games I would need to be walked through: The rest.

Times I can play: 10pm - 12am UK time.

I`m very rusty so ideally I could play something against a similar incompetent, or better, teamplay with a few similar incompetents =).

So....errr....ummm..../looks shy... 
"I`ve managed to try UT2....not impressed so far " lol,
I think you'll be exceedingly unimpressed when and if you play Unreal 2.

And those pills do suck, but they tended to become less, well, sucky, as time went on, at least for me. the special moves are less than Ideal, and activating them by button mashing is also not the best, but.....
Doing wall jumps and dodge jumps etc is a "little" bit better, although I tend to leave them alone. But when you come up against someone who can do them well, umm, well, you can kiss your ass goodbye.

Funny you should say "Super Mario Tournament or something??" for quite a while when I first started playing it, the site of those pills, and some of those bridge things, and something about the graphical style made me feel like Mario himself would leap out at any minute.

Love to play ya, but the distance/ping would probably be to great 
I'd be up for a fight. I just recently got my own net access ( which I doubt really constitutes 'news' :P ); I ping rather nicely anywhere UK. I'm also quite crap, certainly at QW as some of the others will enthusiastically confirm.
Thing is, I'm only set up to play Q1 or Q3 - so that narrows the options :/ 
"two Cups And A Piece Of String" 
I don`t have any cups, and the string keeps getting broke when the neighbors mow the lawn, so I`m out. ;)

Soldat (especially assault mode), UT, and Jeht (my lousy err... lovely q1 mod) are my current multiplayer passions. I wish I could get decent net access out here in the desert or at least find a good lan game to play it on, against some real people.

Shambler, can you come up with any reasonable suggestions as to why they *dropped* the all-powerful assault mode in UT2 and replaced it with a wimpy football mod? Maybe people do like it more, but as far as I can see right now, I can`t see the logic in it...

That football mod (I can`t even remember its name, my mind refuses to reserve space for it) seems like nothing more than Rob the Nest in my CTF Plugin mod ( ), except the guy carrying the "flag" can`t shoot. :( 
The Answer To The Topic Question Is... 
.. in the icon. 
Shambler, can you come up with any reasonable suggestions as to why they *dropped* the all-powerful assault mode in UT2 and replaced it with a wimpy football mod?

Me?! No fucking idea. Assault has got to be the one of the great MP innovations since CTF and botmatch. Okay by trying to bridge the DM/SP gap it was somewhat a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none but even so it was good, different and hell they could have spent time refining it instead of dropping it. 
probably becuase online assault was really shit and buggy and they didnt now how to fix it. Pity because it was a rather cool gamemode idea.

And bombing run is quite fun as is the mod Deathball, which a lot more like football. 
An Issue... 
...that Vondur and Wazat raised (re-opening TSQLR, having a review booth at QExpo).

I have considered returning to some active involvement in the scene. Despite my genuine reasons for quitting, I still miss it. However, if I think about WHY I`d want to do that, my reasons are not because I want to review or because I need to serve people that way and bring maps to their attention. Instead it would be for the involvement and recognition, being part of something and getting the attention of other people. Those are the wrong reasons and not why I started or ran any sites.

So, no, not unless I find something that inspires me as purely where I can perform a genuinely useful service. 
"Shambler, can you come up with any reasonable suggestions as to why they *dropped* the all-powerful assault mode in UT2 and replaced it with a wimpy football mod?"

I thought they upgraded assault to assault2? 
Welcome back, yadda yadda, only game I can suggest is Crimsonland (google it, it�s not officially available anymore). If you can�t find it, drop me a mail and I�ll up it for you.

And btw, good fucking reasons not to open a site. I like that. 
serving the comunity is your DUTY
you will be sentenced to bring us the BEST reviews.

ok, i`ll shut up and fuck off now

ps. i`m almost getting used to this ` thingy even when typing emails and Intros to my CV (resume). spooky! 
metl, can you fix that godawful bug somehow, the � & ` are making me froth all over my keyboard. 

Just No. 
i can, but not right now. In the meantime escape the apostophes with backslashes. 
you utter bastard, you take some perverse pleasure from watching me wrestle with the keyboard, don�t you? sitting around the basement looking at php-code, in a hockey outfit with holes cut out for your nipples - wanking like a maniac. playing recorded weather reports on the stereo.

*fap* *fap* *fap*

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