#1 posted by
R.P.G. on 2004/06/27 16:02:26
but everyone except RPG used an extra 30 or so mins to finish up
You mean more like an hour. :)
#3 posted by
R.P.G. on 2004/06/27 19:50:41
Kept to the timelimit, but it's a poorly scaled (unintentional) clone of Gunmetal. Kell would like its use of the Fury texture set, except I used all the indistinct textures so it's mostly unidentifiable. Should I rescale it and make it into a proper map?
Nice looking, but connectivity is weird. Gets a bit predictable.
Needs better balancing and more thought in item placement. Rather old school in its ideas.
Decent looking, but it's a spam fest. I played a 1v1 with Starbuck, and 99% of the time I was able to constantly shoot grenades without needing to pause or pick up more ammo.
#4 posted by
MisYu on 2004/06/28 03:02:57
Scampie, ban him for criticism of your map!
#5 posted by
- on 2004/06/28 03:29:41
Misyu, you're banned for being a goober.
Hey Scampie / Metslime...
#7 posted by
Shambler on 2004/06/28 08:33:01
...what happened to posting #6?? It's completely blank including the name (I first I thought it was vigil with his gayed-out name, but no...). More func_qboard b0rkage??
#8 posted by
- on 2004/06/28 08:34:04
I don't know what you're talking about
Post 6
#9 posted by
starbuck on 2004/06/28 09:36:41
i didnt think it was possible to have a blank title, body and name? Maybe someone registered "" as a username. Metl, you should probably add some code to disallow that you cunt.
#10 posted by anonymous user on 2004/06/28 09:45:00
#11 posted by
MisYu on 2004/06/28 12:36:12
Am I invisible?
People, do you see me?
#12 posted by
R.P.G. on 2004/06/28 12:58:05
And there are two more blank posts there.
Good God Metlsime!
#13 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/06/28 14:10:40
What is going on? . . . fix this! I mean, please.
I Think...
#16 posted by
Kell on 2004/07/04 14:40:20
this might be Red Armour:
Dunno, it's hard to tell.