#1 posted by
Shambler on 2004/02/19 03:59:47
Infantile Mind, more like :P
I Know Nothing...
#3 posted by
Megazoid on 2004/02/19 08:24:32
I fired up Cube this moring to take a look at Infertile. Seems nicely designed, although I'm no expert. Should make for fast DM gameplay.
Personally I'm not a big fan of that sandstone brick texture that comes with Cube, but that is a minor personal point.
Feedback Without Playing
#4 posted by
R.P.G. on 2004/02/19 12:55:03
I haven't played it, but from the screenshots it looks a little plain; even for a Cube map. Not horribly plain, mind you; just a little plain.
Anyway, good job on releasing a map. Too bad more people don't do that.
#6 posted by
pushplay on 2004/02/19 19:31:19
Hopefully it doesn't look so empty in the game. It's hard to judge a map by screenshots.