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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
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Rest Looks Great 
By the way - if it wasn't for all that extra arch detail everywhere I wouldn't even have mentioned it. 
Sock Is A Machine! 8-] 
The green cop, blue cop routine? 
Some mappers here would give their left nut for the permission of turning those scraps into a full map. 
@ijed, yeah the texture is really only designed for vertical surfaces. I should create a proper texture for the whole edge surface. BTW this is awesome feedback, I am always interested in stuff like this.
@spiney, nah it took ages to create that cave and detail it. I especially like the quad gothic window arrangement, much better that the previous version.
@OTP, my medieval offcuts are not really compatible with tech/idbase stuff. I might see if I can mash together some of my better stuff and see what it is like. 
Please, some more pics of whatever you have! I've saved them all hard drive and I can never have enough Sock stuff. 
tasty looking 'soup 
Looks Rad As Usual 
@SpronyvonJohnson, I knew a journalist (long time ago) who printed out screenshots of my levels and would hang them on the wall in his office. I always spend a long time trying to get the right angle, lighting and scale in screenshots.

@RickyT23, I prefer working with quads they are much easier than tri-souping. Really quick to edge push quads around in GTK.

@nitin, thanks. :) 
That's funny, because I have a 'Sock' folder on my computer for inspiration and wallpapers.

Not to creep you out, just a fan :) 
could you perhaps zip these up and dropbox them or somethingA? 
You mean my Sock folder? 
that's what i mean :) 
No problem, but most of it is on his site anyway. Just saying :) 
@SpronyvanJohnson, I have an inspiration folder with screenshots of Func mappers as well! :)
@Enliten, all my work is either on my Website or you can browse my Artisan site if you want to see the best stuff only. 
Which mappers, don't have to be from Func, inspire you? 
Sock isnt inspired, he just is..
Watchin us... I�m scared... 
thanks man,

what I'm finding amazing about your mapping is that you're using the q3 engine and making these maps that looks like they're out of any engine from the last 3 years.

from a gravity conductor 
MadFox, don't ever stop. 
I�m kind of hypnotized.:) 
Reason I Made It... 
I made this model after watching a SF movie.
Some story of a big machine, where judy foster sits in a metal sphere falling in the center of the thing. I was fascinated by it and decided to make a static entity of it.

I uploaded it to /quaketastic/models/ so you can see it move in quake. Quiet spectaculair, but hard to penetrate when used as an entity.

I wondered about the strange habbit of Quark using models. Everytime when I make a model, let's say this gyzmo.mdl which size is 525kb changes after im/exporting in Quark to 125kb.
What is changed to the model? 
Contact (1997) 
This was also the inspiration for other mappers, for example there is a "black hole generator" in one of the quake 2 id maps, and also something similar in mexx10 (maybe hidden in a secret area). I was going to make something like that too but then i saw quake2 and mexx10 and i'm like, "okay, there's enough of these in the world."

Oh yeah, and Dead Space 2 had something similar in one of its puzzle rooms. 
Event Horizon 
Had a similar thing as well, but much more ominous - the overdone set design there was still pretty cool.

It also had a retarded script and piss poor direction, so probably best to stick with Contact :) 
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