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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Username: quaketastic
Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
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A Door To Nowhere 
@Madfox, the wings are moving too slow, it feels like a bird but with the body of a bee! You should make the wings really large and create a huge mutant bird/bee creature that vomits exploding dead bird projectiles at the player!
@OTP, I thought the name was catchy!
@nitin, it is just a brushwork offcut, it is infact a giant door to nowhere! 
Will Fix In A Bit 
But probably been built up too much now :)

Sock: Just stick one of your 'test' maps behind the door - you've already admitted to have a massive library of scraps that put most normal levels to shame.

Skacky: the spotlight cones look a bit artificial. A trick that I stole from Gb is to place a second light, close to the source but with its spotlight cone pointing upwards, which gives you a bit of glow of the ceiling around the light fixture as well. 
Im Sure Someone Could Stitch 
Together a better map with socks scraps than most mappers could make if they tried 
Maximum framerate for models is 0.1 so with 3 frames for the wings it's the fastest movement. If I use two there's no movement but tremble.

I know this looks like flapping birdwings, but as the creatures are so small, the animation of their movement makes it harder to perceive that slowness. Now they're not swarming yet.

I knows it is a bit tricking, but I see no way to excellerate more speed in their wings. Framegrouping won't help. 
you can force faster framerate by putting self.nextthink = time + 0.05 in each of the frames. 0.05 gives 20 frames per second. 
I suppose you ment something like:
void() swrm_stand1 =[ 0, swrm_stand2 ] {self.nextthink = time + 0.05;};
I'm such a dude concerning qc.
Twenty seven bees, that need 1188 verts and 1998 tris. 
Maybe just have the up and down position, with no inbetweens? 
yes, that's exactly it. :)
you can use smaller numbers to get even higher framerate if you need it. 
@spiney - I tried that, but then the wings seem to blend into the same position.

@necros - Yes, that's what I was looking for.
That's gonna be scribbling adding ai_functions also.

gif is a bit sloppy, in game it's twice as fast.
Now adding regular poses. Like hanging round a torch. 
Dammit sock you're not becoming a scrap mapper now are you? I want to see EVERYTHING you ever create released. That screenshot above looks awesome, love the random upper structure. 
I agree with Kona. We should beg Sock to release his scraps. We could also try to bribe him. It's funny really. Everything I've ever done in Q3 mapping was trying to emulate Sock (and failing ofcourse). 

He's such a great act0r. 
Pixel Miner 
@Kona, I like to think of them as brushwork experiments, playing with shape and form and not have to worry about gameplay.

Rock Knight Sword 
I Did 
Some variants of the green cop texture that would improve the interior of the arch where it looks a bit stretched.

I don't have them to hand just now but can probably find a way to get them to you - easiest is if anyone with schism access want to pull the rot.wad from /textures?

I should really make some of those wads public. The idea for each was to focus on a single underused or inflexible texture and expand it into a set. 
Rest Looks Great 
By the way - if it wasn't for all that extra arch detail everywhere I wouldn't even have mentioned it. 
Sock Is A Machine! 8-] 
The green cop, blue cop routine? 
Some mappers here would give their left nut for the permission of turning those scraps into a full map. 
@ijed, yeah the texture is really only designed for vertical surfaces. I should create a proper texture for the whole edge surface. BTW this is awesome feedback, I am always interested in stuff like this.
@spiney, nah it took ages to create that cave and detail it. I especially like the quad gothic window arrangement, much better that the previous version.
@OTP, my medieval offcuts are not really compatible with tech/idbase stuff. I might see if I can mash together some of my better stuff and see what it is like. 
Please, some more pics of whatever you have! I've saved them all hard drive and I can never have enough Sock stuff. 
tasty looking 'soup 
Looks Rad As Usual 
@SpronyvonJohnson, I knew a journalist (long time ago) who printed out screenshots of my levels and would hang them on the wall in his office. I always spend a long time trying to get the right angle, lighting and scale in screenshots.

@RickyT23, I prefer working with quads they are much easier than tri-souping. Really quick to edge push quads around in GTK.

@nitin, thanks. :) 
That's funny, because I have a 'Sock' folder on my computer for inspiration and wallpapers.

Not to creep you out, just a fan :) 
could you perhaps zip these up and dropbox them or somethingA? 
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