#70 posted by
. on 2003/02/25 18:34:20

IRC West.gamesnet.net #terrafusion
#71 posted by
Vodka on 2003/02/25 22:24:04
thats a place to go when you want to chat Phait

#74 posted by
Wazat on 2003/02/27 17:23:51
Your words have much meaning

Is That A Quote, Metl?
#75 posted by
necros on 2003/02/27 21:21:46
interesting... um... concept. ;)
#76 posted by
Vodka on 2003/02/27 21:54:32
this rivals Malevich` "black square"

Yes, It Is A Quote.
#77 posted by
metlslime on 2003/02/28 01:37:19
I'd hoped the quotation marks would be enough, but i guess i should have provided a source.

#79 posted by
daftpunk on 2003/02/28 09:18:21
photoshop elements. i HOPE it has all you want but i cant be sure . check the spec.
about 90 quid. maybe less in dollars

Mind You, Metl
#80 posted by
Kell on 2003/02/28 15:07:49
You could have taken away the viewmodel, the inventory bar and the status bar :/

#82 posted by
metlslime on 2003/02/28 16:41:41
yes, but those have nothing to do with level design.

#83 posted by
starbuck on 2003/02/28 16:54:56
but they are things to be taken away

#84 posted by
distrans on 2003/02/28 19:55:31
Apart from encountering the "Gremlin" I'm not sure that I've ever had anything taken away whilst playing an FPS.
Surely this idea must've been used more than once.

Final Pimp Of My Textures
#85 posted by
Vodka on 2003/02/28 23:59:40

#86 posted by
. on 2003/03/01 02:03:28
here's some screens of my map..
I'm happy for the most part with it but in terms of what the hell I'm trying to accomplish, I have no idea.. there are ramps on the outside that lead to the other 'rooms' on the 2nd level..

Oh And..
#87 posted by
. on 2003/03/01 02:06:49
i know the spotlights look shitty in a few screens but i didnt extra light the map cause i wanted to get a few of these screens up quick.. so dont worry ;)

keep up the good work! :)

#89 posted by
Wazat on 2003/03/03 12:21:50
Speedy: Very nice. Q3 only? :(
Phait: pretty good looking. Maybe light it better and change those purple things to perhaps something more fitting, but it's overall quite good.

#90 posted by
wrath on 2003/03/03 16:22:40
"light it better"
That's some constructive and informative piece of critisism you've got there.

If Only More Mappers Lit It Better.
#91 posted by
metlslime on 2003/03/03 17:24:48

#92 posted by
nonentity on 2003/03/04 13:56:52
"and change those purple things to perhaps something more fitting"
Please tell me that was sarcasm.
Oh dear god.

#93 posted by
Wazat on 2003/03/04 14:15:26
Thanks. :)
nonentity: Actually, what I was pointing out is, the "purple things" stand out so much they detract from what otherwise would have impressed me as a much more real looking base.
And besides, since when did everyone start listening to *my* opinions?

#94 posted by
. on 2003/03/04 19:27:31
well I didn't even intend to start a coagula map at first, it was going to be DM - at that point it had blue sky, then purple.. then I got the inner area done and chopped the floor and thought eh it'll be for the Coagula contest..