Love That Light Sampling, Scampie
#870 posted by HeadThump on 2004/04/16 21:18:01
On those Head Hunter 3 textures, it looks really sweet (not in a pinko commie way, but in Ferrari sort of way).
#871 posted by
nonentity on 2004/04/16 23:16:59
Looks nice scamp, although the support pillars for the walkway in the first shot look too flimsy. How about making them thicker (and Y shaped single supports to avoid the tiny gap left in between two thicker pillars)
Betatesters Needed
#872 posted by
PuLSaR on 2004/04/17 16:30:10
I need some betatesters for my new Q1SP map. Everyone interested mail me at pulsar_2001 -=at=- mail -=dot=- ru for more info and download link.
#873 posted by Asriel on 2004/04/20 08:38:30
Hey, nice looking map you have there. You always seem to have funky big cool looking maps.
Just a comment though: I'm not too keen on the repitition of the hexen2(?) brick runnign around the back edge. Though this could just be because I used it quite a lot :)
The organic looking stuff is tres tres great.
#877 posted by
pushplay on 2004/04/20 20:33:26
Oh there it is. Sorry I didn't see it, but it's way at the bottom of my inbox. It would be easier if you weren't sending e-mails from 1997.
#878 posted by
aguirRe on 2004/04/21 14:10:01
I also noticed that there seems to be something strange with some emails from you. I recall seeing year 1997 somewhere and my ISP seems to have problems with them as well; emails are delayed.
Can you please check what's wrong?
#879 posted by
R.P.G. on 2004/04/21 14:13:05
I also noticed that there seems to be something strange with some emails from you. I recall seeing year 1997 somewhere and my ISP seems to have problems with them as well; emails are delayed.
There's a badly written science fiction story in there somewhere.
#880 posted by
PuLSaR on 2004/04/21 16:08:44
1997 is my PC's time right now.
It's been even 1991 two years ago. That's because I needed to use shareware program with 30 days time of use. Then I found it fun:)
I didn't know it has any effect on e-mails
#881 posted by
PuLSaR on 2004/04/21 16:11:56
I still need some more betatesters for my map.
RPG, don't you want to betatest it?
#882 posted by
R.P.G. on 2004/04/21 16:23:48
Alright. Can you upload the file temporarily to your website for me to download and then e-mail me the URL? Files generally do not pass well through my e-mail.
#883 posted by
PuLSaR on 2004/04/21 16:42:08
already uploaded:) but my main mail server seems to be down now
I'll try to e-mail it from another one.
#884 posted by
PuLSaR on 2004/04/21 17:00:58
mail is sent. And please reply me on my normal e-mail (pulsar_2001 -at-
Likelily Story Pulsar,
#886 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/04/21 19:14:06
Admit it. You are a spy from 1997 sent here to spy on us future folk and learn our ways. I'll sum it up for your little report -- computer graphics and internet speeds much improved but no mass production of hover crafts (yet). Oh, and burritos still taste like burritos.
Like Lily? I Don't Like Lily At All
#887 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/04/21 19:15:43
learn to spell, AssFace
#889 posted by
PuLSaR on 2004/04/21 19:23:52
How did you find me? My mission is failed...
Casinni's Last Stroke
#890 posted by
madfox on 2004/04/21 19:29:11
I know you're out there somewhere Hall!
I Know Our Sophisticated Humor
#891 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/04/21 19:58:09
might be difficult for a 1997er to comprehend, but don't try to kidnap me and send me back with you since I am only kidding.
#892 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/04/21 19:59:38
Is that your tribute to the Little Prince?
#893 posted by
necros on 2004/04/21 20:52:09
it reminds me of the speedmap i did for the dm/voidmap during last qexpo.
Calisto More Greasy Than Triton
#894 posted by
madfox on 2004/04/21 20:52:26
pictures are sweeter than scorn