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That's wierd. I knew a family who had a dog named Bailey. She liked to pee on things. I dunno about eating ice cubes though. 
Red/black/white came to mind immediately... I can always change it. I did e-mail the creator of RM as his strip was an inspiration... perhaps it's too obvious. But I haven't thought of any way to really change things up yet, but if I do I'm gonna. 
I haven't thought of any way to really change things up yet

Other than being original, you mean? 
You see, the problem is how it's done. For the Navarro strip, I traced a photo of Navarro. I could've done it much more detailed, but then it wouldn't really fit with the style of the first comic.

Here's the steps I took for the first comic:

I'm just not sure how I can go about making it that much different while keeping it simple enough. I COULD hand-draw the characters, but I am looking for a clean look, and I suck at drawing anyway. Maybe I could shade it with flat greys or some kinda hatching... 
I suck at drawing anyway

This is another obstacle. 
i disprove of both using the redmeat style & colors. Shake it up a little goddamnit.

and get all that superfluous text off it like the copyright up top (stick it on the bottom) and the URL directly below the title (stick that on the bottom to) 
Believe Me 
I'm tryin', it ain't as easy as you think. 
And While You're At It, 
make it funny. 
Funny is good. Like a cannonball in the groin. THAT'S ORIGINAL. copywrite symbol Zwiffle 2005 All rights reserved. 
I Don't Give A Fuck 
The humor isn't meant to be immediate, at least not at this presently. It just is what it is. 
You Need Something More.. 
This comic still needs some essential elements added before it can be called a true webcomic.

1) Self insertion
2) Break 4th wall every third strip
3) Blatant self insertion
4) Speech bubbles that take over 75% of the strip area.
5) Guest strips by other webcomic authors
6) Really blatant self insertion using Cool and Edgy avatar
7) In-jokes
8) Characters in comic refering to the author of the comic (see #2)
9) 'Epic' storyline that comes from fucking nowhere
10) Captain Planet / Battletoads crossover story 
Disclaimer: If you want to make a funny comic that people will want to keep reading (in other words, not a webcomic) above points may not apply. 
STOP! It's Not Ready Yet! 
I submitted a news post about my new map for RTCW earlier, but I need to cancel the release, since the map is really dark on most PCs :(

I will re-release it next week, with tweaked lighting and stuff 
I like the cut of your jib. But you forgot "draw strips of yourself responding angrily to reader mail." 
smug little furry animals, don't forget those. 
RetroQuake Re-opening 
Two years later, RetroQuake will be re-opening to review quake and quake 2 mods, levels, and conversions. If you're thinking this is a strange time to re-open a site like this I would agree, but it's purely out of love for the games. It should re-open in the next week or so. 
I've got the fucking trojan.admincashb virus that infects your explorer.exe file.

I've found some instructions on how to get rid of it but I cant find my xp cd anywhere for th emoment. If anyone could please email me their explorer.exe file, that'd be much appreciated.

Dont if I can get it to work that way or whether there's a difference in explore.exe for xp home edition and xp proffesional edition (the one I have) but it's worth a shot.

Please help if posible. 
Now that is an enlightening news!
I wanted to launch a review section on in the near future, but when you get Retroquake back again... Maybe i don't need it then.
If you would rather like getting hosted by me (to avoid just drop me a mail. I would be pleased to help. 
!seen Ztn 
Hi. Is anyone in contact with Sten 'ztn' Uusvali? I'm trying to get in touch, but have not had any success with either of his published email addresses. If you have contact details, could you drop me a mail - swelteh _at_ - muchas gracias! 
Tetris Shelves 
Re: Tetris Shelves 
That's brilliant! And priced so god damn expensive that it's going to force everyone who sees it to build their own. I assume there are some pegs in there or something to keep it from sliding appart when a drunk friend walks into it. 
Aze Search 
first a thanks to vorelord for helping me out, I'm almost back on track with my comp but does anyone know to get rid of aze search? It's possibly spyware but seems more likely to come from a virus.

norton's picks up now virus though and spybot and adaware dont read it either.

Unfortunately, it redirects all search engines to its own site so I cant do the research myself. 
Hey Swelt 
what's up? :)

I don't think ztn's been spotted anywhere in years. He certainly hasn't posted here since before this board was called QMap. He's dropped off the map along with guys like headshot.

Unfortunate, really. The ztn2dm's were always a source of inspiration for me. 
Hi Matt. Yea, google's turning up nothing against his name in the last few years :( I've put together my take on Blood Run and want to get his sanction:;f=15;t=2989 
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