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The original GTA has been released by <strike>DMA</strike> Rockstar games as a free download. This actually happened about a week ago, but their server was farked / slashdotted / wanged / makeupawordhere.

It's a classic, go get it. 
I remember there was this one site that offered GTA 1 and other games for free - some kinda deal with the developers/publishers.

GTA 1 was a blast, never played GTA 2 or 3. Yet. 
Eternal Dismemberment Complex is a great map aesthetically but it seemed sparse on ammo and weapons. I was using Reaper bot 0.8 beta, got creamed o_O

Fucking awesome map though. 
try using a bot that doesn't cheat! 
yeah use omibots. Skorpion's done heaps of routes for them too at his page : 
rocks with frogbots tho
insanely fast and fun gameplay
one of the best maps!!!

/me hugs Tyrann once more :) 
Custom Map FFA 
Tomorrow (Saturday) at 3pm Eastern Standard time, we will be playing some FFA or Teamplay on my server. We will be playing all of Aardappels maps for about 10 minutes each on my server. Stop by #terrafusion for details a few minutes before 3pm EST. 
And Yes 
The game is quakeworld... 
And If You Don't Show Up 
you don't get any cookies for a week! 
7 New Mods Posted At Moddb: 
Vagrant Story Quake

Quake Tactics


CTF Plugin


Return Fire Quake

Shub Fusion Weapons Demo

Some of these mods are still in the works (like Return Fire Quake), while others are as done as they're going to get (like Quake-e-mon, though I'm considering doing a remake of that for QExpo...under a different name... ;p ). 
Quake-e-mon looks cool. I haven't tried it, though. If you remake it for QExpo, let me know. I'd be interested in making some arenas for you (maybe distintive arenas for each Quake monster?). 
Bal Should Release Bal3dm5 Already! 
Lol Scampie 
You are teh funny man!

I could start a similar SP petition for Kona to release some of his maps.

I will email him soon about them, i think ;) 
Maybe you could rather have some good maps, instead of just sticking to one particular author ? 
Let's Start A Petition... 
to remove over-content flash ads and popup-flash-sound/music ads on Gamespy.

I don't care that you can still close them anyway - it's annoying, frustrating, and interrupting the content us visitors are looking for.

At least, that's what I think. 
It was kinda fun, if slow (not performance wise but gameplay wise) but that's part of it. I think it'd be cool to have spectator voices like "Enforcer wins" etc... also having people create their own arenas.

Nice effort :) 
Operatin Urth Majik 
I havent completed it yet, but it's awesome - very professional design to it, I'm impressed. Love the Half-Life health/ammo/armor replenishment homages too 
Online Petitions 
is so stupid I can't even think of anything sarcastic to say about it. 
"Makes me glad Lun3DM4 is in the capable hands of RPG."

Oh, And Wrath: 
I bought Enclave today. I won't have time to play it for a few days, but I'm really excited about it. It looks very cool.

Any news on the tools? If you/they are not planning to release them, I have some fine, white powder that I'm going to send to the Starbreeze offices. And it's not cocaine. 
WOO! I Wrote A PHP Poll.. 
vote / view source

major accomplishment for me 
FFA Day 
Today we played all of Aardappels maps ranging from the sleak and stylish e1m2ish to the maniacal slopy. We had between 4 and 7 people playing at a time.

Next week will will feature the maps from Bal. We will play all the Baldm's and a few of his lost maps. If I have a chance to hack into his hard drive, we may even play some maps bal never released :)

Finally to speedy: I would just like to have a day to get together to play all the maps from a selected author. If people just got together to play the best maps of all time, it would just be like playing on a standard FFA server. 
Some reason there's a bug there - it wasn't there locally.. fixing - disregard till later. 
your childish threats have but an amusing effect on me. 
Ok Now We're Working... 
Bleh, if you're bored enough to actually vote on the hairdo I should get - my poll is working now *whew*

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