#5453 posted by distrans on 2004/09/18 21:39:52
Shock !!
#5454 posted by VoreLord on 2004/09/18 22:37:03
Did my mother fuck his corpse
You have a mother? ^ ^
0 0
#5455 posted by pope on 2004/09/19 00:27:30
lives in the sea with all the other crustaceans
#5456 posted by Shambler on 2004/09/19 04:43:09
Newsify that, homie.
#5457 posted by than on 2004/09/19 09:41:15
it was over a bit fast, but it was really nicely realised. I wish there was more stuff like that in Doom 3, since wandering around on my own fighting irritating zombie marines and imps did kind of bore me toward the end of the game. The section of Doom 3 where I had to accompany the scientist in the dark was a bit shit. My fave bits in Doom 3 were probably the bits with the security bots it :)
The environment in Barista3 was definitely the best and most cohesive I've seen yet from a custom map (admittedly, I've only seen this and the earlier trite breeding facility :) and the fact that you could play about with pretty much everything was great. Aside from the fact there was a slight lack of ambient sound, I was really immersed.
The final section with the marines was nice, and I felt like part of their team the instant that guy started to fart. I know I couldn't smell it, but I still moved to the other side of the corridor :)
If Brandon Chung can do a follow up, continuing from where this one ends, and make it a bit longer and slightly more polished (in terms of the sound generally) then it could be great.
#5458 posted by pushplay on 2004/09/19 17:27:04
Boy, that was weird. The interactivity was good. The writing was funny though felt a little slited. I get the impression that is was written by someone whose first language wasn't enlish.
#5459 posted by than on 2004/09/19 17:39:09
the guy's name was Brendon Chung, so I guess his first language could be chinese. I didn't really analyse the writing myself, and tbh, I doubt I could have done any better :)
I did have a good time with it though, even though it barely lasted 10 minutes.
So, anyone played Call of Duty: United Offensive expansion for of duty? Got it today, played a bit of both sp and dm. Both are so far, so good. The addition of vehicles and the new weapons I think will make this my go-to for team-dm since the last CoD patch they nerfed all the machine gun spreads so you cant hit anything.
Anyone else?
#5461 posted by necros on 2004/09/19 20:15:47
is there a program that will look on the internet on CDDB and rename mp3 files correctly?
#5462 posted by metlslime on 2004/09/19 20:40:26
probably not -- i think CDDB uses the track listing data from a CD as a fingerprint to identify it. mp3 files do not retain that data. Maybe you could do it based on track length, but i bet you'd get way to many candidates that all had the same length.
#5463 posted by quaketree on 2004/09/19 21:05:11
The way CDDB works is it reads the length of the entire cd and the length each of the tracks. This creates an id like a fingerprint. What are the odds of 2 cds being the exact same length with 12 tracks of the exact same length? It cant look at an individual mp3 and change it as there are 1000's of songs of the same length.
I dont know of anything that will redo the tags automagicly. There is a lot of stuff out there that you can use to change them manually.
#5464 posted by necros on 2004/09/19 21:08:28
ok, i was affraid it was something like that.
thanks anyway.
#5465 posted by pushplay on 2004/09/19 22:35:44
Actually you can. Just do a search on Google. I found this one pretty quickly.
As far as I can tell it uses FreeDB (CDDB is evil, don't use it), exact track length and possibly partial info.
DooM3 Demo Released
#5466 posted by VoreLord on 2004/09/20 02:47:39
Some here, jplambert , should grab it for a try, but most have probably already finished the retail game once, if not more.
The demo contains the first 3 levels of the game in Mars City. 461MB Don't let that put you off, you know you want it
Download Fileplanet, sorry
#5467 posted by VoreLord on 2004/09/20 02:56:10
Guess I never seen the discussion thread, just looked at the news and here :(
Nevermind me, carry on
#5468 posted by JPL on 2004/09/20 02:58:20
Thanks, I will take a look for sure ;)
#5469 posted by JPL on 2004/09/20 05:19:31
Damned... I've not seen that it was a 461MByte file... it will takt 1 or 2 weeks to download with my 56k modem !! So I think I will not be able to download this file... grrrr...
VoreLord... Again...
#5470 posted by JPL on 2004/09/20 05:23:22
Some here, jplambert ...
errr... why me particularly ???
#5471 posted by VoreLord on 2004/09/20 05:39:06
You were deciding back a bit whether or not to buy the game, and if your PC would be able to run it etc, I was trying to convince you to get it. Most of all, I think you would like the experience :)
#5472 posted by JPL on 2004/09/20 05:43:07
OK, I understand... Well, today, it only misses me some RAM (Doom3 need at least ~ 380Mo RAM I remember well, and I only have 256), so I have to buy some RAM before buying Doom3... sure I will do it as soon as possible...
Thank you very much for this informations...
So I got one of those fancy mx700 mice from amazon as they were running a sale the other day. I installed the mouseware drivers but now when i scroll-click (You know, clicking with the wheel) on a link in firefox/whatever it doesn't open in a new tab. Anyway to fix this? I know one or two of you use these.
Nevermind, i figured it out. (Had to set scroll to 'middle button' in the drivers.)
Without Pet
#5475 posted by madfox on 2004/09/20 21:40:53
poor mouse in the middle of Amazona without a driver....
#5476 posted by . on 2004/09/21 04:45:19
D3 wallpaper I slapped together with the skybox files in the pak file:
BTW - I noticed the skybox images are like this:
So I assume that they all wrap into some kind of spherical or ball shape?
#5477 posted by JPL on 2004/09/21 04:52:01
Wow, really nice wallpaper !!!