#5353 posted by quaketree on 2004/09/10 03:48:21
Crits Please
#5324 posted by Kinn [] on 2004/09/09 03:52:15
For what it's worth, it's very bland. As far as speed goes I have a really fast connection so I cannot evaluate that. (loaded it in > 1 second.
#5354 posted by quaketree on 2004/09/10 03:58:45
after looking at it a bit more (the above was my first impression), I would make each link go to another page. If for no other reason than to keep Scampie's bandwidth usage down). I clicked on Bastion and ended up downloading it again (I already had it).
Instead of green you might want to go with a darker brown. And where the blue is you might want to think about using a brownish green. Just my thought's ;)
#5355 posted by Kinn on 2004/09/10 04:53:22
Thanks for the crits, guys.
The consensus seems to be: make the bright colours another shade of brown (seems logical I guess).
Quaketree: Ignore the links etc. - the "bastion" link is only temporary anyway, just so the map is there whilst I work on the rest of the content. It won't behave like that in the finished version.
Kinn's Site
#5356 posted by R.P.G. on 2004/09/10 11:08:16
In general, I don't like splash pages.
#5357 posted by Kinn on 2004/09/10 11:33:58
well, when it's done, all the links will work, so I don't know if it really qualifies as a "splash page" in the sense that you mean.
Splash Page
#5358 posted by R.P.G. on 2004/09/10 11:48:00
Okay, maybe "splash page" isn't quite the right word. But having a menu page that you have to keep flipping back to is silly from the perspective of navigation and flow. And if you have the menu on all of the sub-pages, good; but even if you do, that makes the front menu page kind of unnecessary because it feels like you're adding a small seperation between the user and the content.
I do like the design, though. And if it was just a set of links to other sites or files (zip, jpg, dzip, etc.) then I think this would be perfect.
#5359 posted by Kinn on 2004/09/10 12:21:38
actually, the links were just gonna pop up a smaller window - so no flipping back would be involved.
#5360 posted by R.P.G. on 2004/09/10 12:49:00
That might be even worse, Kinn. Those usually don't work well or at all in browsers that block pop-ups.
I Agree
#5361 posted by aguirRe on 2004/09/10 13:03:48
please avoid new windows or popups, at least if the new page is on the same site. The "splash" page is fine with me as you only have to backpedal.
#5362 posted by Kinn on 2004/09/10 13:19:50
well i'll make the links open in the same window, and have a simple nav bar in each section, so you won't have to backpedal to navigate the site either.
#5363 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/09/10 16:22:30
Wow this demo got me hooked yo. It's really fun, at least to me, but then again I love RTS games. I'll prolly pick it up on the 21st, or maybe just wait until my birthday in October. Either way it's good.
#5364 posted by pushplay on 2004/09/10 18:30:55
It's worth learning some basic php even if all you're doing is includes. You can get away with only having the navbar in one place and having all other pages include it.
#5365 posted by . on 2004/09/10 22:59:38
Includes rock, but thats about all I'm smart enough to use.
#5366 posted by HeadThump on 2004/09/11 13:36:18
I just went to take a visit to your web page and I got this message
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000e'
Out of string space
/fatty/Default.asp, line 223
Thought you should know.
DooM3 VTM's
#5367 posted by VoreLord on 2004/09/11 17:05:34
3DBuzz has been releasing VTM's (Video Tutorials) for DooM3 for a while now, mainly basic stuff. They just released a series on Scripting, 8 vids in total for the scripting section. There are also 19 other various vid tuts covering the basics.
You will have to register. There Tutorials for Unreal, and 3dsMax, were quite good.
That's PQ Being Annoying
It happens from time to time. I still haven't uploaded a report yet anyway.
I Was Sent This Query In An Email...
I have looked all over the internet and cannnot find information about how to get PC Quake maps to work on my Mac. I have heard that they will, but I have had no luck doing so. I am using Fruitz of Dojo's glquake client to play under OS X. If you have any information about this, please let me know.
posting here in case anyone can help...
#5370 posted by Shambler on 2004/09/14 04:13:36
Quake maps play as normal on Macs AFAIK. Both MCM and Junior used Macs IIRC and didn't report any problems.
Tell the guy to stop using some wanky custom engine shite and just try them in Quake.
#5371 posted by Vondur on 2004/09/14 06:22:38
quake maps work on mac w/o probs
even rtcw maps do, so wtf
Maybe The Map He's Trying To Load Is Full Of..
#5372 posted by pope on 2004/09/14 07:16:24
<quote>wanky custome engine shite...</quote>
#5373 posted by pope on 2004/09/14 07:17:10
<quote>wanky custome engine shite...</quote>
#5374 posted by mwh on 2004/09/14 07:28:10
The binary you can get at is a perfectly decent stock quake engine.
(If anyone know's how to *build* quake on OS X, I'd be interested...)
For The Love Of Quake
#5375 posted by Megazoid on 2004/09/14 12:42:56
Will somebody bring out a Q1 map already. I'm suffer withdrawal here damnit.
Don't force me to to start bringing out my own hideous efforts...
#5376 posted by Shambler on 2004/09/14 15:59:49 have played Madfox's 28 map magnum opus that was posted in the Screenshots thread, right??
*cackle cackle*
#5377 posted by madfox on 2004/09/14 18:25:01
call me back from the Anapurna MegaZoid
Shambler got so blasted from playing them
he forgot to tell me where I had made them 4