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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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put a health pack somewhere in your map and it will precache the sound.

This should be the case with any sound you want to use, so if you want to use a fiend grunt sound you need a fiend in the map.

Maybe Preach has a special hack for precaching sounds though :) 
Afraid not, there's no way to precache an arbitary sound or model in the original qc. Which is a bit of a pain as you could do all sorts of interesting things like mapmodels if there was, but all the precaches are explicitly specified. So yeah, that sound is the rotten health pack sound, change it to whichever sound you find suitable. 
Camera Work 
Does anybody know how to improve the terribly jerky ending sequence of Dissolution of Eternity?

I've only been able to improve it by reducing camera tracking updates by angle comparisons and a timer. 
The Problem(unhelpful Post Alert) 
As I understand it, the problem is that quake angle updates on entities are only sent out as a single byte, which gives you poor precision, lower precision than a single degree in fact. You might want to speak to the SDA guys, as angle turns seem much smoother in their setpiece demos(like the credits sequence for the easy 100% run they released at Qexpo). So if there's any way around it I guess they know it. 
I've Heard Of 
such protocol limitations too and I'm sure it's correct.

However, I don't think that's the problem here as this is not a demo; the camera entity updates the view in discrete steps (following nextthink 0.1) and it doesn't seem to help to make the steps smaller either.

My hope was that there'd be a way to make the camera pan the scene like a player turns. Otherwise maybe the easiest fix is to just update slower, thus making the camera work steadier.

Btw, what is the formula for calculating where an entity will be shortly according to its current origin and speed/direction? 
Smooth Turning 
I'm pretty sure the problem isn't present so much in demos, and only appears real-time cutscenes such as this, becuase a fixed path for a camera has to be sent out from the server(which has the progs.dat) to the client, and so uses the network protocol. Demos record a client's perspective so maybe they can get higher precision that way. I know that one of the selling points for proquake was that it had "double" precision on aiming, ie two bytes, which makes a noticable difference for aiming rockets etc. I'd expect the same would be true on camera things, so the system would be limited more by update rate(the nextthink).

If you get round the protocol limitations then the way to ensure a smooth update is to use PlayerPreThink or PlayerPostThink as they get called each frame. Have a flag set when the player is watching from a camera that needs to update angles, and call the angle setting function from one of these functions whenever the flag is set. I still don't think it'll help more than a little without the protocol changes though...

The latter is easier to solve, for constant speed you want

entity.origin + (entity.velocity * delta)

where delta is the amount of time into the future you want to predict. If you only have a scalar speed and direction vector, go for

entity.origin + (normalise(ent_dir) * ent_speed * delta)

Use makevectors to get ent_dir if the direction is given as an angle. The first one will probably suffice in most circumstances though. 
Thanks For The 
suggestions. I actually tried the first variant with velocity, but for this "actor", the velocity was 0 all the time. Several other properties were also 0, I don't know why.

The only thing that seemed to work was to manually save the origin into oldorigin and also previous camera angle and time into global vars. Then use this to calculate direction (yaw) and check for substantial angle (>45) or time (>2) difference and only update view then.

If you want to check out the original code, it's in ending.qc in the (any idgames2 mirror). I can also upload my variant if you want to check it out.

I've also checked several engines for different behaviour and they all seem to work the same way, except Tomaz (which crashes on the r2m8 map) and DP (where the actor can't find its way into the timepod and therefore is forever lost in dragon's lair ... ;) 
Demos Use A Single Byte For Angles Too 
The differences between the demo format and the network protocol are very mild, and mostly to do with the packaging, not the content (AIUI).

I made the smooth turn in the qd100qlite2 credits just by writing a python script to write a remaic cam file that contained loads (100 per second or something) of move commands and feeding that to remaic -- no magic here (the recam e1m7 was done in the same way too).

Something that's very definitely the case is that the rules are different during normal play and during the intermission -- this is why the credits are centerprinted and not part of a finale text. Applying the above tricks to an demo that had a finale looked very strange -- jerking all over. If someone can explain how to get rid of _that_, I'd be very interested :-) 
Demos Use A Single Byte For Angles Too 
The differences between the demo format and the network protocol are very mild, and mostly to do with the packaging, not the content (AIUI).

I made the smooth turn in the qd100qlite2 credits just by writing a python script to write a remaic cam file that contained loads (100 per second or something) of move commands and feeding that to remaic -- no magic here (the recam e1m7 was done in the same way too).

Something that's very definitely the case is that the rules are different during normal play and during the intermission -- this is why the credits are centerprinted and not part of a finale text. Applying the above tricks to an demo that had a finale looked very strange -- jerking all over. If someone can explain how to get rid of _that_, I'd be very interested :-) 
I'm guessing the problem is the actor is like a monster, so it's using walkmove/MOVETYPE_STEP to move instead of velocity. This makes it a lot harder to predict, as basically it can move different amounts each animation frame. Also, in standard engines the entity will literally jump position each time a new frame is called. In engines with motion interpolation, the model itself is interpolated smoothly between points, but I believe that the origin still moves in discrete steps.

Anyhow, I'll take a look at the doe ending.qc and see what can be done, and if you would upload your version I'll examine that too.

mwh, your comments are encouraging, although I had worried that the demo format had the same restrictions. I guess as long as the camera isn't trying to do a fixed position pan, and you keep the movement smooth with velocity code or updates tied to PlayerPreThink you can get something as smooth. Can't help you with the finale problem though, very odd stuff. We need an engine coder in here... 
I've uploaded my variant (progs + ending.qc) here: . Thanks for looking at it. 
CZG Curve Tutorial 
does anyone have a hard copy? Please mail it to me if you do! 
Well, Not Really 
but I have a placeholder at
in the mean time. 
Boss Monsters 
I am looking for a decent, or at least different, Boss Monster for my non-base style QSP1 level.

I will need qc source, not just a model. Any suggestions? 
There is one I'm partial too that I have not seen used in a released map yet, the zombie master from Custents. 
Where's My Manners -- 
in case you don't have the link -- 
Skill Selector Buttons? 
Is it possible to create skill selector buttons like on coagstart in the Coagula contest without QuakeC?

I haven't had any luck having a button target a trigger_setskill that uses a targetname. 
Nevermind, apparently so! 
? But I Can't Get It Work? 
I'm trying to set up buttons to select a skill level (Easy, Normal, Hard, etc.) and a similar setup in cogstart.bsp functions without the progs.dat, so it seems like it should be possible to do without QuakeC, but it doesn't seem to work for me.

I setup a func_button, set the target name to "skilleasy" and a message of "Skill set to easy". I setup a trigger_setskill, set the skill level (message = {0,1,2,3}) and set the targetname to "skilleasy."

I push the button and it doesn't change the skill level (still is skill "1", the default).

I've checked everything 3 times, I've even dumped the .bsp source and compared to cogstart.bsp.

Is there a secret to this or something obvious I am missing? 
I decompiled cogstart and took a look at it in a map editor. That was hilarious!

Those buttons are merely psychological, they don't actually do anything meaningful (they don't select the skill), the trigger is the proximity. 
Thats what I was thinking. 
Thanks, it looks good and there's quite a lot more in there besides the monsters.

Anyone any other suggestions? 
Repost, W00t! 
Hi there :)

I have been playing around with the DarkPlaces engine, and I must say that I quite like it. I began working on a mini mod called SlaughterHouse, which all it really did was change the weapons and how they dealt damage (homing rockets, exploding nailgun bullets, sped up shotgun).

After completing that, I thought I'd start on something more adverturous: A Counter-Strike clone (or something similar). Now, I can add in new weapons, change the gameplay and thigns like that. But, I have no real clue when it comes to modelling for Quake/DP. I can model fairly well in 3ds Max 5/7/8 (and then export to 3ds to be imported into Blender, which supposedly I can use to make Q1 models), but I do not know how a model is supposed to be done for Quake/DP. Are there any resources that I should check out?

Also, this mod adds in a heap of new items and weapons. Rather than changing existing ones, I created some from scratch. I can map fairly well for Half-Life using WorldCraft, but I have never tried mapping for a Quake MOD. I can map okay for Vanilla Quake, using the Qoole editor, but I cannot work out how to get it to work with mods which add in new items/weapons. Can I do that in Qoole, or will I need to change editors? If so, what to?

Thanks heaps :)

Do yourself a HUGE favour and download a copy of worldcraft 1.6 or valve hammer and use that for Quake 1 mapping, Qoole is the ugliest and worst editor on the planet :D

To add in a custom item/monster/gun whatever to worldcraft, just add any point entity you want to the map, then open the properties for it and you can just type in anything you want into the "classname" field, replacing the entity you created initially. Easy as pie! Then you can use the "smartedit" function to add in any custom key/value pairs you have coded for it.

Good luck 
I'm gonna shamelessly pimp my own work here, if you want a guide to modelling for Q1 then this is a start:

This suggests a different route to making a Q1 model, using gmax and quark. At the time of writing, I didn't know that gmax had been discontinued. You can still download it, and with a bit of trouble get it registered, but the process is involved enough that it should go into the guide. Really I want to tidy the whole thing up with things like that, but it's a task for another day.

Anyhow, there's some useful information there, but if you're using 3ds max, you might as well stick with that. If you can export to md3 in gmax you certainly can with the full version of max, and then do the conversion in quark like in there. The plugin you want can be found at

As for the editor stuff, I'm sure everyone will say change from qoole. I started with qoole too, trust them when they say it'll cause you problems. 
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