#25 Yes, Default.
#26 posted by anonymous user on 2016/09/14 04:49:55
#27 posted by Newhouse on 2016/09/14 05:13:30
#28 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/09/14 05:49:13
I suspect we'll end up with a custom palette for coloring the enemies/hud/weapons regardless, but it's nice to know that most of the effect can be reasonably achieved through simple texture work.
#29 posted by Baker on 2016/09/14 08:52:17
Quakespasm could absorb the trivial Mark V feature "gl_grayscale 1" and you wouldn't even need the custom palette at all. If switches on/off in real-time.
#30 posted by Baker on 2016/09/14 08:53:52
(Even easier from an engine standpoint would be a shader like what is already used in Quakespasm for the gamma/contrast control.)
#31 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/14 09:14:18
Does Quakespasm actually has custom shader support?
As Cool As That Is Baker
we're leaving coloured fullbrights in
Changing Palattes
#33 posted by sock on 2016/09/14 12:34:53
I would not recommend asking everyone to create custom artwork for one jam linked to a custom palette. Not sure why use AD either, you could easily make this jam for vanilla Quake and put the focus on creating a Noir environment instead.
Why not use a Noir like texture set? Enjoy the colour difference of the monsters being alien to the environment? If you make everything black and white no one is going to see or find any items easily and will be frustrated even before fighting/exploring the maps!
The guys on #tf wanted AD, so AD it was. The were excited about the extra effects that it would give them. There was also concern over the amount of grey in the default palette.
In terms of textures I'm starting with the kingpin textures (which are awesome for this jam) and will desaturate them in an editor once I've got a bunch of geometry down.
You gonna join in man?
#35 posted by sock on 2016/09/14 13:19:44
You gonna join in man?
Sorry, got no spare time atm.
#36 posted by khreathor on 2016/09/14 13:41:52
I can prepare B&W textures for you guys, but you have to prepare a list of which one you need and WAD where I can find it.
I'm Desaturating A Wad As I Type This
I'll post it in 10 mins once I've finished.... it's slow as fuck
#38 posted by khreathor on 2016/09/14 13:53:40
I'm afraid desaturation is not enough, add nice leveling to get some contrast. Otherwise it's too dark and grey = boring as fuck and light can't fix it.
Additionally after all this process it's a good idea to turn image to indexed color mode with Quake's palette and fixing unwanted fullbrights if necessary.
which row should I lighten up then?
I think the original grey, black and white indexes should stay the same.
I was hoping we'd get away with leaving the palette as purely desaturated so that existing textures would translate nicely without strange bright patches.
At Least For Now
here are some desaturated palettes
one quake format .lmp and the other .pal
Ahhh I Misunderstood You...
#41 posted by khreathor on 2016/09/14 14:24:33
You are desaturating palettes, not WAD textures per se. I was talking about using standard palette but desaturating textures :)
Btw Another Good Ost
#42 posted by khreathor on 2016/09/14 16:07:17
Highlighting Keys And Inportant Items
#43 posted by Newhouse on 2016/09/14 16:38:07
To be honest, even if it is B&W, it is possible to highlight certain objects, for example placing white key (with effects white too) against fully black wall etc. I have been drawing my whole like B&W art, so highlighting is not rocket science.. but certainly it is not always is to execute if maps in this case varies a lot. It is a great challenge imo.
#44 posted by Newhouse on 2016/09/14 16:39:53
"I have been drawing my whole life* B&W art." And that might be reason why there is so many grammar issues with my comments (time wasted on something else totally).
#45 posted by Newhouse on 2016/09/14 16:43:51
I can't open lmp or pal files on TexMex, what those formats are?
They're The Palette Files
the .lmp is quakes format, should be able to be handled by most tools
the .pal is jasc format, also most quake handling tools should be able to deal with it.
the last version had a mistake, here is the current version: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/108695968/palettes.zip
Pak0, Pak1 And Kingpin Textures All Desaturated
#48 posted by Rick on 2016/09/14 18:23:47
As an fyi, the JASC .pal files are plain text files. It's a basically just a list of the RGB values for all the palette entries.
#49 posted by kaffikopp on 2016/09/14 19:30:36
Would it be possible to join with a map for id1? Or does it absolutely positively have to be for arcane dimensions
Sock Can Correct Me If I'm Wrong
but I don't think any id1 stuff is depreciated in AD, so provided you don't mind it being bundled with the AD stuff on release, then go for it. It should work just fine with the AD progs.