#4878 posted by
. on 2004/07/23 01:33:12
Joo don't use FitzQuake? Gamma support built in.
#4879 posted by
- on 2004/07/23 02:15:05
Phait: maybe if you could read, you'd see that his problem in the first place was that fitzquake was running slow.
#4880 posted by
. on 2004/07/23 03:15:28
Scampie, maybe if you could observe, I didn't read his posts prior to the above one.
#4881 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/07/23 03:30:06
Do you have Tyr-Quake? I'm doing a little bench marking of different Quake builds, but my system does better than it has any right to for a PIII.
BTW Tyr should perform well on anyset up, the gamma is completely shot to hell for it.
#4882 posted by
aguirRe on 2004/07/23 06:01:02
If you're having problems with gamma in my GLQuake engine, try adding -gamma 0.6 to the command line (this is also mentioned in the readme, adjust gamma value to your liking). You can't change the gamma in-game.
I'm Listening To The Doom3 Theme Song
#4883 posted by
Lunaran on 2004/07/24 02:37:13
Am I missing something that makes this song great, or am I right in thinking it sounds like garage-band grade shit?
Awww... Ain't It CUUUTE!?
Poor widdle thing, jus' wanna wrap 'm in cotton wool and set 'm on fire, don'chu?
Re: I'm Listening To The Doom3 Theme Song
#4886 posted by
R.P.G. on 2004/07/24 12:19:21
Am I missing something..., or am I right in thinking [the Doom 3 theme song] sounds like garage-band grade shit?
I wasn't particularly impressed, either. I wouldn't have called it "shit," though.
Beautifull Garbage
#4887 posted by
madfox on 2004/07/24 13:56:32
I never thought Garbage was a shit band!
I Got This Bizarre E-mail Today
#4889 posted by
pushplay on 2004/07/24 20:15:46
Has anyone else received anything like this? I can't possibly accept the idea that Ravensoft wants me and thought they would recommend a monitor while they were at it.
Hi pushplay@****.ca,
This is a message from They thought you would be interested in:
They also say:
i wasn't sure if you were a ai programmer or not so i sent you this...
Thursday, July 22, 2004.
If you are, then Raven Software wants your undivided attention.
Mr. Rick Johnson's the Lead Programmer at Raven Software sent out a .plan file late last week where he has announced he us seeking a AI Programmer. Maybe you could be the person he is looking for.
This person will be responsible for assisting in the development of single player AI for a Doom3 based product.
This person will need to coordinate their own efforts with those of the animation department as well as to ensure proper level design and use of the AI.
(blah blah blah...)
Applications should either email or mail resumes to:
(some address)
...btw i couldn't get your quake 3 map to work could you post instructions on your site?
The AusPC Team.
Wow That Is Bizarre
#4890 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/07/25 10:44:50
Written like a AI simulation scripter set on the Random and Retarded settings. There is enough info there to regard the second part as plauseable.
I get the feeling their are three seperate interested parties in that e-mail (as if three e-mails got bunched up)., RJohnson, and whom ever is asking for assistance on your map.
Spam Has Indeed Taken On A New And Scary Form.
#4891 posted by
Kinn on 2004/07/25 12:42:33
Be afraid.
#4892 posted by
pjw on 2004/07/25 17:00:52
No, that is certainly not the way that Raven would go about things. That's good stuff.
#4893 posted by
inertia on 2004/07/26 00:26:00
the grammar on that phrase owns like slavery
Owns Like Slavery
#4894 posted by
pushplay on 2004/07/26 00:39:23
That's priceless.
The weird thing is that I do machine learning programming for a living at the moment. And I do have an unfinished quake 3 map on my site. (Someone needs to kick my ass and make me finish it.) Wait a sec, I might know who sent this to me...
Well that's got to be someone you know yanking your chain... I've heard of targetted advertising but that's beyond ridiculous :)
p.s I've bought a lot of computer hardware from of course you never know, but I have a hard time believing they'd be in on some kind of bizzare spam like this. They're more reputable than that.
Inspirational Architecture
#4897 posted by
Maj on 2004/07/26 09:49:13
#4898 posted by
R.P.G. on 2004/07/26 11:32:34
(Yes, putting each letter on a new line somehow means that his "LOL" is more important than others.)
Oh Man,
#4899 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/07/26 11:37:16
that really appeals to the Ed Wood in me.
#4901 posted by
Lunaran on 2004/07/27 04:43:45
Take it from me that Raven doesn't approach people they want to hire that way.
#4902 posted by _gilt on 2004/07/27 16:39:39
anybody know how the situation with is coming along?
oh and for those interested:
, a good article coming from the perspective that player's have less time to burn on bad designs. covers some issues that have been raised here in the past.