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You dont sound like your english is perfect either, some of your corrections (didnt read thru whole text) are not needed or just wrong.
If you really wanted to help uwfan with the review, you could just email him.
Be nice ! 
Nice Use Of Kell's Textures 
Some of them might be style issues, but if you think I'm wrong then go nuts and tell me where. 
yeah, that map looks nice. I don't agree with all of the detailing and stuff, but the overall effect is very impressive. 
Quakeworld Custom Map Night? 
I am thinking about trying to set up one night a week where people can get together and play FFA or 4v4 (with random teams) on custom maps at a specified time. Each week I would select a collection of maps from a specific mapper and people could play on my server as long as they wanted. I need to have some input if the mappers/readers of this site would want to take part in this. My server is located in the eastern USA and can handle 8 people. If an odd number of people show up, or more than 8 show up, I will always be the first to sit out.

Here would be an example of what would happen if it were "Fribbles" night:

We start out playing a 10 minute game on EFDM1, then 10 minutes on EFDM2, and onward till we finish with EFDM13 or until no one wants to play anymore. If people still wanted to play we could play pkeg or fribweb1.

If you are interested in playing, please message me on irc with times that are good for you and suggestions.


do you mind elaborating please? I would like to hear your viewpoint on what you with do differently on detailing etc? 
I'm interested as long as it'll take place sometime when I can participate. 
I agree, they look very nice. Good use of textures, and the architecture is very good looking from the screenshots. 
Gf4 4200 Ti 128mb 
tis much nicer than a gf4mx.

1280x1024 32bit, 6x AA and 8x Anistriopic filtering in unreal2 smooth 
from what i hear though the 128mb ti4200's are just marginally better/faster than the ti4200 64mb's, to the point where you get more for less buying a 64mb one (which i just did). 
but the 128mb should be more future proof, hopefully :)

it cost �130 
DMSP Map Suggestions? 
I Am Looking for maps that people have played in DMSP that work good with the mod (in gameplay terms). cool textures etc are an added bonus. 
If it isnt the weekend i can participate, i dont have a decent connection on weekends. 
Not that I want to overpimp, but I recommend DMSP in the readme for kdmd - In The Dark Decayed. I enjoyed it; partly because of the cold, nocturnal medieval atmosphere, partly because the layout makes for some interesting combat but mostly because - almost uniquely - it contains no rocket launcher. You're forced to use your weapons wisely and develop strategies for defeating the Bad Dudes, which is exactly what Aard talks about in the DMSP readme.
So there :P 
Oh, Aye..and The Map Server This Title Really Neccessary? 

Sounds cool. I'd need a day's warning to get hold of the maps for that night ( hey, some of us ain't got a lot of drive-space or net-access :/ ) but I'd be up for that.
Of course, I'll die like a gnat in a fire but that's not the point... 
went over to your page and downloaded most of your DM maps, gonna give them a try. "Void Runner" might be interesting in DMSP, i will see... ;) 
I Was Just Looking 
at the list of registered "people" here(that would be "us"), and i noticed an astonishing and outrageous fact!

Scampie has not yet made a single post!

Where are you Scampie? ;) 
QW Custom Map Night 
It sounds like Saturday would be a good day to have it, as people are requesting the weekend. Now all I need is for people to suggest times. I am in irc a lot, so just tell me a time. I have a webpage where I can list the maps and put host them for download. Hopefully next Saturday (or Sunday) we can start. 
I Wish... 
i could DM but unfortunately apparently AOL has some firewall that inteferes with Quake World yeah you'll flame me but i don't pay for AOL so..... put that in yer pipe n' smoke it

but we're sposed to go to a local, cheaper ISP soon, hrm.. 
I Have Aol. 
i can dm on qw... are you sure it's not some local setting? 
Violence In Video Games 
like? i was going to DM months ago with a web design friend and I fired up QW, kept saying it was connecting over and over but didn't get anywhere, he attributed it to AOL. 

It's been coming along rather nicely, but it's a bit larger than I originally intended. Theres a moderately open area, I am thinking of walling it... I'm on my way to working to the outside of the map...

I'm thinking of scrapping and starting over but smaller. Unless *maybe* someone wants my work and wants to do something with it, but gimme credit? 
for the base that is 
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