#4656 posted by
cyBeAr on 2004/06/30 19:11:26
stop lurking at this stupid board and join #guu damnit.... and when were you leaving for japan?
Oh And One More Thing You Silly French:
#4657 posted by
cyBeAr on 2004/06/30 19:13:59
because you've hardly been around you missed drawing me a b-day mech at the begining of this month (actually make that last month now).. ... I demand a b-day mech, cookies and some pie damnit!
#4658 posted by
pushplay on 2004/06/30 20:25:22
It was your 'faggot techno' comment that pissed me off.
#4659 posted by
- on 2004/06/30 21:00:55
go listen to faggot techno you faggot
Ah,........... Thank You
#4661 posted by
VoreLord on 2004/06/30 23:07:04
It was your 'faggot techno' comment that pissed me off.
I realized that from the beginning, (I'm a "red necked prick" remember, not an idiot,....well) but I just wanted you to come forth with the truth instead of hiding behind that "pedaling ancient links"crap. And actually it was "techno fagot", not "faggot techno", but I'll let that slide. It's just a term that we use, it is not meant to have any connotations towards anything, just like people may say, "that games gay", I'm sure you realize they are not meaning that the game in question, nor its users are having improper sexual activities, it's just a term, an unfortunate one perhaps, but that's all it is.
So now I feel free to apologize to you for the upset that my careless use of language caused you, and for my retort to your ensuing abuse. I will now cease my cheap shots, which were only attempts to draw you out, nothing more. I hold no ill towards you, and am sure you are asset ;)to the human race.
Good Day to you Sir!
Sorry Scampie, I go now
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives cue the violin music .........
Q2 Mapping Contest Of 2004
#4662 posted by
Le Ray on 2004/07/01 10:35:01
see my forum for details...
(not posted as news due to there be no info what-so-ever)
#4663 posted by
- on 2004/07/01 12:20:20
to clarify, that's reject news with the footnote added by me.
Hipshot's The Velvet Yard For Quake3
#4664 posted by cha0s on 2004/07/01 18:11:01
quote from ydnar @ q3w:
It is absolutely gorguous and really shows off what is possible with the Quake 3 engine, where cost is no object. Unfortunately there isn't a computer that exists at present which could run this map with anything resembling a playable framerate.
The framerate isn't "that" bad (10-30fps for me (1.8ghz gf3)) and it looks just awesome !
download: (30mb)
Alphas Aren't News!
#4665 posted by
metlslime on 2004/07/01 20:01:34
Cool map, though.
But alphas aren't news.
Wasn't That A News Thread A Moment Ago?
#4666 posted by
Kinn on 2004/07/01 20:02:00
#4667 posted by
metlslime on 2004/07/01 20:03:02
It looked legitimate, until i downloaded it. Filename has "alpha" in it, plus the readme is garbage, plus the levelshot has "alpha" on it ... so i had to quickly repair the damage :P
#4668 posted by
metlslime on 2004/07/01 20:16:26
Just took a good long look at the map. It's totally badass. Of course, like all art maps, even if it ran smoothly it would still have horrible gameplay (it's like q3dm0 quality.)
#4669 posted by
necros on 2004/07/01 22:11:05
how can i get this map to run? i get a hunc alloc failed at 1428 or something error... i'm guess it's because i need to allocate more ram, but i don't know how to do that in q3... i tried -heapsize 256000 but it didn't do anything... any tips?
#4672 posted by
wrath on 2004/07/02 05:36:37
the skybox doesn't really match the lighting.
Looks So... English
#4673 posted by
starbuck on 2004/07/02 08:40:14
the apartment blocks, the white sky of boring death
impressive stuff.
Btw, too much detail, runs like shit, no layout? Maybe someone should convert it to ut2004 ;)
#4674 posted by
- on 2004/07/02 09:14:59
the point of it is to look nice, not to be a gameplay map.
another reason it's not a newsable 'map'.
#4676 posted by
Maj on 2004/07/02 10:46:10
Does that mean maps with great gameplay but shit graphics shouldn't be news either?
It's a map, people are interested in it and would discuss it... why not news?
#4677 posted by
necros on 2004/07/02 12:38:15
hm... i looked around in it.
it's ok, but it's not that good. there's a severe lack of lighting detail... hardly any shadows. it could definatly have used more constrast. what with all the overhanging stuff, the map could have had some really impressive shadow effects, especially since you can draw the shadows by hand in q3, (right?)
also, the rain sound was annoying because it was way too short and obviously looped.