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Haha Peej 
Glad to hear you're getting on alright! :) If you check back here again, enjoy the rest of your travels. Actually, enjoy the rest of them anyway. 
Does anyone have a copy of XeNoN's (also known as xen) Trick or Treat (xntrick)? 
Scampie was kind enough to pass it to me. (I mean xntrick, not AIDS.) 
Here is the link you're searching for:
is pretty amazing, played it for ages. it gives so much freedom, and exploring the world is so much fun. if you like RPGs though, you have to play gothic II... it is just as amazing as morrowind (but in a different way), and with better story, npc interaction, and diversity. 
I�ve been in love with this one too, althought it encourages to much being a thief (the evil side is too strong :). I think I'll install it again... 
Whoever Submitted News Of PH8DM1 To Planetquake... 
I sincerely thank you, but I really didn't deserve it. Because of the fact that PQ is a big, well known site it's humbling yet honoring that I got that mention - maybe you all are like "uh dude.. why are you making a deal out of this?" -- I'm new to this community. I haven't developed a reputation - and frankly, my skills ain't all that.

But anyways, thank you - whoever. 
this is one of the sites pq news people visit periodically for news stories. So i think they just saw the story on our news page. 
HTML Question 
does anyone know an easy way to sort data automatically within HTML. Its for my hall of fame/map rankings page.

What i want is just to be able to put in the new totals and it automatically resorts the maps.

thanx uwf 
You'd Probably Want PHP 
i suppose i could possibly learn php. i have deliberatly and studiously avoiding it so far.

any other thoughts/suggestions from anyone? 
Dynamic N Shit 
Well similar to php but not quite the same is asp. Besides that you could use javascript and put all the processing client side, or use a javaservelt and put all the processing server side.

If you know sql then go php, if you know java go servlet, otherwise go php. It's less powerful but really good for basic sorting. 
Thanx Pushplay 
BTW, more reviewage (Q1SP-brainstorm architecture, Cube-Monster Machine) now available at my site. 
I'm An Asshole 
Let's Interrupt The Gloom Of Quake For A Second... 
and check out this piece I spent 2 hours on originally at 800x600 :P

all Photoshop, wee...

I need to work on some more textures 
I checked my referrals and news of my map is on and and ... ok - I'm just ECSTACTIC - I didn't think any of my stuff would be worthy of mention anywhere else... wow... I dunno what to say lol *sniffle* I want to get a comments system up on my site, I'll look into that...

Oh by the way.. why are sites that don't have my site linked, in my referral stats? 
so would a p3-733 with 384mb ram and a GF2 handle this game well at high-meium settings? 
YAY Check This Out... 
I coded my own PHP form script - major accomplishemnt for a non-dev for me: link to comment 
Accoding To The Readme; 
Windows� XP, ME, 2000, or 98 (95 and NT� not supported); 600 MHz Intel Pentium� III or AMD Athlon Processor; 192 MB RAM; 4x CD-ROM; 2.2 GB Hard Drive Space; 16 MB Direct3D Compatible 3D Accelerator Card with Transform & Lighting Capability (GeForce 1 or Equal); DirectX 8.1 Compatible Sound Card; Keyboard; Mouse

Intel Pentium� 4 1.5 GHz or Athlon 1 GHz; 256 MB RAM; 16x CD-ROM; 32 MB Direct3D Compatible 3D Accelerator Card with Transform & Lighting Capability (GeForce 3 or Equal) with DirectX 8.1 Compatible Driver; Environmental Audio Capable Sound Card 
thanks wrath, so how will it really run on something just above the min requirements <smile> 
what would you like to see?

so far it's coming along rather nicely, i may post screens later. it's mostly a green theme to it so far but this could change. i'm really confident in this map seeing how well it's progressing and looking. 
How will it run?

Like Christopher Reeves post accident. Covered in crude oil. On Jupiter. At absolute zero. 
ok, I guess I'll pass on it then. 
Yes, you're an asshole. 
It's just a lite joshing from someone with too much free time on his hands, don't take it as anything else.

Using grenade launcher and ammo as proper nouns did strike me as odd though 
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