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Map Jam 2 - Deadline 27th July
Map Jamming is about creating maps of any size or detail level over a couple of weeks using a certain theme and texture set. Check the readme file below for further details of what the Jam is about. Any questions or comments, please post to this thread only.

Deadline - 27th July 2014
Theme - IKBlue + IKWhite inspired maps

Guidelines for Map JamTextures Wads + Map Prefabs

UPDATE: Released! news thread is here.
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Y'all should check out various maps in Super8 (if you haven't yet); it's refreshing.

Visibility can be poorer and a little eye-strainy in darker maps. But on many maps it looks niiiice.

(Actually I should try its alternate palettes...) 
am I missing something? what is nice looking about that screenshot? 
My jam 1 map looked great in qbism, but my jam 2 map looks extremely horrendous for some reason. :p 
I Mean 
the architecture looks cool, of course

I thought we were talking about the engine 
I Don�t Get It Either.. 
Lightmap Issue 
okay so I've been using the latest tyr utils that I have for normal bsp format, but when I compile the map with coloured light I get some really bizarre fullbright patches all over the map which look like shit (confirmed this in RMQEngine, Fitz, and DarkPlaces). Anyone have any idea what might cause this?

Other than this glitch my map's basically done; I had to remove some parts of it and scale it back a bit, but now it has gameplay, even some secrets. If func_detail works as well as I hear then I'm sure I'll have it vised on time too. 
Try Using 
0-255 scale for your colours rather than 0-1 
Post A Screenshot 
some setups using delay and wait can cause the lights to go all weird. 
in my jam map I noticed in the dark places I was getting fullbright spots in almost all engines except fitz and requiem. The root cause is something to do with global minlights 
Really Cool Shot Mfx 
engine looks dumb in shot but idea sounds cool, will have to check that out! 
Construction/architecture looks awesome, but kind of looks like it's the building blocks but hasn't been textured yet. 
are we looking at the beginning of tuesday or the end of tuesday 
sock said he wants to test the maps and try and make the pack be released friday, so technically you might have some extra time, but tuesday is the actual real deadline 
yes, so, EOD tuesday? because it's tuesday right now. 
Anytime On Wednesday 
are we looking at the beginning of tuesday or the end of tuesday

At some point on Wednesday send me your final tested version. If you want to keep working on the map, send me any updates on Thursday.

@mfx, that engine works best with fine tuned palettes, it does not look good with default settings. Nice architecture, love the scale. 
that shot somehow looked in game better, the engines rendering is more than just being a still painting with palette illness:)
My map is being tested , i�m looking forward to mailing it this evening.

If nothing is terribly broke.. 
Fixed the lighting issue - getting rid of minlight (which was set to "4" anyway, so not even any noticable difference) removed the problem completely. Thanks for the tip on that.

My map's done now except for vising and possible gameplay tweaks. However my computer needs a new fan right now, so when I try vising it I get all these warnings; if anyone wants to volunteer to vis it, that would be greatly appreciated. It's in the latest tyrutils bsp(1) format with a lot of func_detail usage so it shouldn't take too long. Also if anyone wants to test it, that would be good too - I think it's basically ready to go but I'm definitely willing to do gameplay tweaks if, as seems par for the course with me, it turns out to be too hard (heh). Email if you're interested.

Two final shots: 
Nice underground architecture, and subtil colored light... good foggy effect btw :) 
Fuck Me. 
Some seriously good shots going on. Psyched guys. 
Very Nice Tronyn 
Heh, "subtle colored light"... just turns ikwhite to ikblue ingame. Definitely cool architecture, though. 
I am done. Will send you my map when I wake up sock and I make sure everything is in order with my fresh eyes.

I had to do one last thing thanks to this extended deadline...

DMSP2, in "deathmatch 1", works in jam2_scampie!

It sort of works in regular single player, but unfortunately the scripting can break easily and lock you into areas forever. I have no idea how I would fix this without hurting normal single player, sorry :_(

BUT Deathmatch 1 works! It's not the greatest DM map in the world, but I tossed in a ton of weapons and powerups, and redirected some teleporters and it's passable!

hehehee! TEXAN STYLE! 
It sort of works in regular single player

I meant, "regular DMSP2 single player" 
map map map map map 
love this shit! 
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