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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
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Thanks For Feedback! 
I�ll continue to work with the lighting problem I have using Q1rad. Keeping contrast seems to get harder the more complex the maps lightig gets.

daftpunk :) glad to hear that! No outdoors though, this map is actually ready for betaing as soon as the lighting get acceptable.

And just for the rec. Shot 1 and 2 is opposite of each other so the light should really be about the same.

I also have a fiew tec. questions but I�ll post them in the right thread (we got to keep this mint Qmap kleen yall ;) ) 
it to

when you finish it! you got exams like me in this period? bloody university... 
Map Is Betaredy (shots Above) DEATHM 
Ooohh... Perdy. 
nice, speedy! 
Q3 Map Updated Beta 
*extremely* impressive, visually anyway.

And it plays quite reasonably in FFA too. 

that shot was rather nice but otherwise I don't see what's so impressive (from the screens anyway). 
um yeah sorry my fault, I didnt mention that it actually needs to be downloaded rather than just the screenshots. The map features a rather neat but well pulled off idea of being set in frozen time during a rainy night and a lightning strike. So basically its like running around in a freeze frame at the point the lightning hits the top of the light tower. And the shadow work and general lighting is impressively done. 
I was going to do the same thing in a Q3 map, except I was considering making a city where everything was stopped, with random bits of paper flying through the air, a gas explosion destroying a building, etc etc.


On The Contrary 
if you work on it 2nite for 12 hours you'd do quite fine. i think you should work on it mate 
I Think YOU Should Work On It 
since you can make a great map in a single weekend. 
I Dled It 
and my opinion is unchanged, no spectacular mappage.... move along

wrath: true 
Fair Enough 
I thought it was quite original and well implemented though, each to his own I guess. 
What Is Mappage 
It is indeed original and looks pretty imo 
The lighting is well done. Beyond that, no. 
Lets Try Again 
Iv made a picture of many cool loking map screenshots tiled together. Custom maps from different fps (quake, q3 and ut mostly)
It looks nice, can be your backdrop, give some inspiration or just make you wonder what maps are those.

smallish preview


1280x960 (get this) 
speedy, any chance you could make a list of the maps invovled, I believe there's a few ther that I havent come across before. 
Map Shots 
Those look great, but man do you have to much free time or what? 
Too Much Free Time 
yes, and I love to play with photoshop

Since it was requested by several people, I might make the list of maps I know. There are many betas/unreleased works. 
Wow, Speedy 
Love the 3rd and 5th pix in the first row (in 800x600)! Is it Quake 3? Reminds me of the drawings I used to do when I got bored at school twenty-five years ago! 
Those pics make me wish I'd followed Q3 when it came out. Some really beautiful stuff in there. 
We need a list of what those maps are...I'm going nuts trying to put (file)names to (brush)faces.

And WTF is that mecha looking thing with the spines, 6 across 3 down, it looks farking amazing? 
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