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Battle Mech Gets Some Good Maps 
Thanks to PushPlay, I now have some screenshots I can be proud of:

The architecture is relatively in a above-view game (most of what you'll see is the uper surface), but on bmech03 PushPlay did an excellent job of making a map that both plays and flows extremely well.

Thanks PushPlay!

Also, I've started working on making the bot's aim direction be based on mouselook, so it's independent of the direction you're traveling. This will improve the controls greatly, and should fix the bug of not turning fast enough or not at all on some computers.

I only took shots of the first map, but there are others that can be taken too. I'm looking forward to any further additions by pushplay and anyone else who wishes to map for Battle Mech.
static _ void @ hotmail . com 
Should be
The architecture is relatively *simple* in a above-view game

And it was the third map I took shots of. :)

How do I mess up so often? :) 
That was my mix of ikblue and pox3 which I think turned out pretty well. I might do another with that combo. 
Quality HL SP 
Dont know how old this is, but Ten Four ( has put up a review of a very Alien-esque map made for HL called Someplace Else. Teh visuals are very non-HL and the atmosphere is quite good. Gameplay uses standard HL alien enemies so it isnt spectacular but it's better than most HL alien only maps.

Review ( 
Ultimate Deathmatch Looking For Mapper, Q1 (news) 
Hi. I'm looking for mappers to make custom maps for UD. The dynamics of the game are very different. Check out for info on this quake1 mod. To download it goto,
257 downloads last version.

People with serious interest contact me...

PH8DM2 "Canned Frag Soup" Released.. 
thanks for the links folks although sometimes i think you are in a rush and dont post any suitable title when you're in a rush! :-P

goin back to uvfan, yep i agree a breaking down of monsters is for retards BUT (don't go away UWfan, i'm only kidding...come back here)i would love it if you put info on various styles and eras. very much think its useful. indeedy. the penis attraction is a bit like those 2-3 yr periods in art like the "Blaue Reiter" (have i got this right? i've forgotten names of austrian and german art) 
No Comment. 
i am not saying anything. 
It took you seven words to not say it. 
Pushplay....i Love You 
correct.... you have proved you are clever.

Now go away, or you wont keep getting such good map reviews from me! 
I Suck 
fucking sonofabitch goddammit i hate mapping i can't do SHIT my 30138193114891741th attempt at a single player map and i start out and it sucks major ass why do i even TRY 
i envy all of you 
Quake 1 Maps Of Quake 2 Maps 
know where i can get any converted Q2 for Q1 maps, DM or single player? (pref) 
Quake 1 Maps Of Quake 2 Maps 
know where i can get any converted Q2 for Q1 maps, DM or single player? (pref) 
Re: #344 try because you want to, but it's bloody hard work.

As a Quake noob about 3 years ago I tried to start mapping and I failed miserably :(

I started doing the double-helix staircase from Chambord Chateau as my map centrepiece, which eventually worked after about four attempts from scratch and about 30 hours work including learning the editor, but that was all I ever achieved; I just found the rest, trying to learn *everything* including brushes, placement, lighting, construction, clipping, occlusion just TOO time-consuming and TOO frustrating.

I had more success modifying some of my favourite DM maps for CTFBot, but that was just entity work, which was fun.

So, I just hang around here, now, admiring the works of others and enjoying the ambience... 
Enjoying The Ambience? 


no, really, why are you here? 
Wazat's Monster Breakdown 
No descriptions yet but I'm sure you can guess how they'll go:

Grunt (lowlius gruntus)

Rottweiler (canus bitesus)

Enforcer (laserus fireus)

Knight (likus gruntus withus swordus)

DeathKnight (knitus deathus)

Rottfish (annoyingus lowframeus)

Ogre (bombus uglius)

Shrag (uglius aerus)

Shalrath (uglius rectalis-in-facus)

Tarbaby (hydrus bouncus)

Shambler (bigus badus assus maximus)

Chthon (lavus invincibus) 
i know the editor real well, its just.. well i think i'm decent, but not up to what i think i can put out.. i just have to conceptualize further my ideas 
sorry my non-sense of humour upset you. i still think your idea is cool.. 
It Didnt Upset Me 
you assume to much, my young jedi. (or something). 
PH8DM1 Preview 
yeah yeah starting over higher standards blah blah..

cant derive much yet, but i think you can see it's kinda curvy there'll be like 3 levels to the map, i actually drew this muthafucka out on paper so its coming along nicely - just don't let me rush it! 
you better do not post such screens here. if you really wanna map, just sit tight and learn how-to, and after you get something really interesting, tell us about it. stop annoying with useless and tiny screenshots :)

or at least use screenshots thread....
rememeber, noone interested in your boxy pre-alpha screenshots. ppl needs at least playable betas or something... 
What can I say, I'm new :P It's coming along quite nicely however, I think it should turn out to be a good map. 
good if so, but try holding your development screens for yourself :) we need final (or beta) product :) 
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