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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
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I did brightness and contrast :) 
In photoshop I have to drag the right LEVELS (ctrl-l) slider from 256 to the ~130 to make things visible on your screenshots, making them very washed out. Seems most of the light is minlight, except some spots with the point lights. Also the rock texture seems rather dark on its own, so it doesnt give back much light. 
Doodling With JPL's Converted D3 Texz 
Looks Great Distrans 
That looks really great dis...nice work! And cheers again to JPL for doing such a nice conversion of those textures. 
You make me bow in shame about my crappy playing with them earlier. :) 
very good imitating d3
my first thought was "why no specular" 
Mmm Distrans 
you are laying some nice pipe there 
As I already told you, you made a nice piece of mapping there. I'm very hurry to see the colored lightning versions of these screenies...

BTW, concerning my shots, it was dark... and it was due to a wrong sunligth angle: i.e the sunligth was coming from the ground, so the player couldn't be located elsewhere but in the darkness... stupid beginner mistake... sorry for this... Now things are a little bit more visible... I'll post new shots later. 
Oh, I Was Missing... 
Thanks a lot Blitz ! 
Thanx Blitz and Headthump :)
Speedy that's the reaction I wanted, ta much!
Spirit,no shame friend...I've been doodling with Quake brushes for a good seven years now, so it should show.

BTW: I'm only using those textures that JPL converted that "work" when flipped in both the horizontal and vertical axes. 
It's My Birthday... like a good Hobbit I give you all a gift :)

Travail episode 2 level 1: where the darkest knowledge is finessed from the inhabitants
level 2: where the knowledge is tempered by violence
level 3: where the knowledge is converted for "future" use
level 4: where the knowledge is used to twist flesh and steel

With luck, the episode (and an horrific 2 level addition by neg!ke) will hit beta next week. 
Shots 1 & 3 
look great.

and happy birthday too distrans, have a nice day mate. 
Happy Birthday!
@ @ @ @ @
* * * ** * * *
These shots are awesome ;) And happy birthday man ! 
Pretty nice.

Actually I skimmed down the forum and saw the red name thinking it was JPL that posted those shots, but having actually looked I see it was you :p 
Don't worry... I'll be back with new shots later ;) 
happy birthday man ;)

zomggg this is so nice...

I WANT IT! :) 
I think you could use some fill lights. What I get out of those shots is a lot of really dim geometry and space dotted with a dense arrangement of distractingly bright dots. 
In Need For Testers! 
I need some testers for the map I showed some screenshoots of at Qexpo 2006.

The map uses Quoth so you must have this mod installed.
If you want to help mail me at:
your maps are so good that i prefer final version :) can�t wait for it!!! 
...I'm so glad that's in testing, well worth waiting for no doubt.

TRAVAIL EPISODE TWO is also in beta, and we have testers for all skill levels. However, we need a two person team to test coop functionality. You will need access to a server. We'll provide the files, you provide the demos and comments :) 
Travail Betatesters 
The file is up now. 
Second Call... 
...are there no regular coop teams out there anymore? We'd really like to make sure this thing isn't broken for coop. 
I Suppose 
If RPG is up for it we can try it out, but last time we had a ton of problems getting connected and whatnots. 
...last report from RPG was that he wasn't a starter for this session. But, thanks for the thought! 
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