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Map Jam 2 - Deadline 27th July
Map Jamming is about creating maps of any size or detail level over a couple of weeks using a certain theme and texture set. Check the readme file below for further details of what the Jam is about. Any questions or comments, please post to this thread only.

Deadline - 27th July 2014
Theme - IKBlue + IKWhite inspired maps

Guidelines for Map JamTextures Wads + Map Prefabs

UPDATE: Released! news thread is here.
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Sock, but that still means if I want to use the the normal star liquid texture "*teleport", but someone else uses the poorly named "*teleport" in the ikwhite wad (it's the same graphic as "*teleportik" in ikblue wad), one of the two will potentially get stomped by the other if playing the maps in sequence... I think newer engines fix this? but it's still bad :( 
Good Point There 
I was planning to use some of the textures that are missing in those .wads (5-15 per wad) compared with the original ik .wads. 
Good Point There 
I was using some of the textures that are missing in those .wads (5-15 per wad) compared with the original ik .wads. Could someone confirm in which engines there is that problem? If it is like that i'll have to change a lot.

By the way, Sock. I have a ikwhite-ikblue half done speedmap-turtlemap. It is OK if i use it for this jam? 
@scampie, if you are worried create your own teleport texture.

@cocerello, its your choice. 
For The Love Of God 
jpegs! please.... 
The last screenshot of the linked post is how it was some months ago.
Old shot

More recent shots

Editor shot. Today.
Editor shot

It is still in early WIP, those zones will be changed a lot.

* Mfx, love the fantastic feeling that picture has.

* RingofQuaddamage, you are reinventing the Sahara Desert.

@RoQ, you can add your own sky stuff, the texture pack is just a starting point for everyone

And here i thought that it was like in speedmaps: if you have a texture set as the theme, and you can't stray from it, except for one or two textures. 
I'm actually using one of the snow textures that were in the pack. 
A Poll 
And here i thought that it was like in speedmaps: if you have a texture set as the theme, and you can't stray from it, except for one or two textures.

Personally I would like if everyone would keep to the ikblue/white theme or at least keep the majority of their map consistent with the map jam texture packs, but telling mappers what they can or cannot do is like herding cats some days! ;) 
I would say as long as you stick to the main theme then it would be neat. I dont know if I could stomach making another tight scheduled map atm, we'll see how I feel tomorrow. 
Well I Made The Last One In Short Time 
I sat back and did sweet F.A. for the most part. Then the last few days I started.

As for jam2. I guess I can try and crank one out.... 
I'll Make One Too 
Probably won't be as crazy as my Honey jam map but we'll see. 
didn�t you post some ikwhite screenshots a while ago? 
Sock I Need Inspiration. 
Well, I was planning to do a map of some kind if there was another Map Jam, but I'm not a big fan of those textures. I guess I'll wait for the next one - probably wouldn't have had time anyway. 
Also For Arabian Palace-type Stuff, Don't Forget About 
Try working with them? Maybe they'll grow on you? If not, at least you'll have a head start on a new map. 
Yes and I still need to finish that map. My jam map will be an original map though. 
Those included prefabs are so good! 
Take into account that �t doesn't have to be muslim architecture or even only arab. Ik textures are good for many other architectural styles. ?Rick, you too take this into account. You can find a style that you like with those textures and enjoy mapping with them. 
Anyone Here Know Some Good Skyboxes? 
I Thought The Point Of Ikka Style 
was going arabian?

I find the arabian style really pretty to look at IRL but I dunno if I like it in quake. To me the blue set was always this kind of eldritch/eldar world motif.

Who was it that had the incredible white map a while back?

Ahh that's it, Skacky with this beautiful number - 
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