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that would seem like a simple thing to write, but (as far as i know) i dont think one exists... 
anyone know of any good programs to fix corrupt registries? 
Well RPG is awaiting my first SP map so you'll be getting that *provided* I don't become too perfectionist and quit. I decided to go with an old map I had once tried - the plot summed up is you were on a discovery job and the ground beneath you fell and you come across an underground temple. So I need to flesh out the story and get to work on it - I drew out the map on paper and it's not real big but I think this should be a good first effort; I intend it to be non-linear as well, to some extent. 
"Blind Audacity" -- PH8SP1 
The news of the week was sickingly abundant. Corpses of animals littered across a half-mile radius of the country were often discovered; hell, literally stumbled onto. There was just pieces of the animals left, and one was left to only guess just which animal it is. Or used to be. No predatory animals had been reported to of escaped from any zoo or the like. The gruesome discoveries were definitely abnormal. What the hell was it that was doing this? That question became quite widely asked when ten human victims were discovered at a nearby recreational camp. The communities job had grown more vigilent, and authorities swarmed in to do what they could do. Whatever it was they could do, and they weren't quite sure yet.

For you, this all became personal. Two of the victims were your friends. Just last week you had spoken to one of them... she was so full of life. You couldn't even fathom the natural fate of age to steal her life from her. You were in discord, anger and disbelief. Your anger boiled over and it became quite evident. You'd seldomly spoke to anyone, much less your own lover and kids. It was starting to affect them. The tragedies toll on you was too much to bear, and you became obsessed with putting this murderer to death. You had no idea where to start. Eventually, you decided to settle in the camp area where the victims had once spent only one day. People couldn't believe your audacity. Some speculated the affect of the loss had warped your mind, even if your intentions were whole.

On your fourth day of the outing, your routine walk of the area in search of answers had taken a turn. You'd fallen through the ground during sunset, and landed hard. The fall knocked you out for quite some time, and you had awoken by daylight. The area before you was dimly lit by the day's sun invading the hole that was your entrance. You were alone.

Just you, your shotgun and your axe.

If only... 
Anyone Know/have This DM Map? 
I don't remember the title, but I remember it had this trap where you went onto a walkway/floor and a button was pressed and that floor would open and drop you into some kinda well killing trap.

Now, that's probably vague, but this may help: it was on a PC Gamer disc years ago that I no longer have.

Any idea? (lol) 
If It's... 
the one where the Quad is inside a long cage suspended over a slime trough, and the cage is dunked by a shootable button up one end of that area...then I could probably track it down otherwise <tongue> 
Re: Quake 1 In-game Frontend? 
fitzquake has a "maps" command that lists all custom maps. It also has a "mods" command that lists all mods. I hope to have these features in the menu at some point, but for now it's still a big improvement. 
i'd strongly recommend a smallish map. maybe not small in diameter/outer boundaries but at least tight enough not to get lost. maybe consider splitting it into several maps? that way you dont have the problem of leaving it incomplete. just a suggestion...
on the other hand if you have lots of time to map, you may well want to do something quite incredible and innovative. good luck anyway! 
GRRR *deletes Ph8sp1 
it sucks, i suck 
Daftpunk...big Map...xanadu 
i dont have much done, kinda like 5% or something. i dont know how big its gonna be, or if its gonna come out small or how long its gonna take.

what i have in mind is to make the player go anywhere, a non-linear map, doesnt matter where you go, you'll still be able to find the exit without getting confused (pretty sure the player will get confused).

i dont mind if the player finishes the map without seeing the whole level, thats when the exploration thing comes.

i also though of making this a whole new thing, like adding new weapons, monsters and stuff...but i have no idea of how to do those. hehe.

to get the map finished. i think its gonna take me like two months or two. im very slow when it comes to quake mapping. :( 
Any Ideas? 
i am thinking about maybe adding some more features/sections to my map review site.


Some thoughts i had included a Quake 1 Timeline/History or A Breakdown of the Quake 1 monsters.

Has anyone got any other ideas about possible website content they would like to see? 
Still Cant Get The Links Right Here. 
Anyone who needs a breakdown of the Q1 monsters has serious problems. 
I'd like to see some Quake history divided into time periods. I think that could be very interesting. You'd need people who have been around since the beginning, and it would require quite a bit of time and research, though.

For example, there might be the "Ancient Period," the "Renaissance," the "Revolution," and the "Penis Fascination Period." 
And yes, I has half joking and half serious. The Penis Fascination Period would be more of a subset of the Golden Era -- perhaps 1999 through 2000. Although the Penis Fascination Period is still continuing today and we're well passed the Golden Era. :/ 
... sarcastic bastards :p

I guess i will just stick to map reviews then.

BTW, I dont want to know anymore about your penis fascination period, RPG. 
I Wasn't Being Sarcastic 
At least not entirely. 
there sort of already are eras, for instance oldskool versus nowadays mapping... 
But they could be subdivided even further. For me, there was yet another distinct period between then and now when Q1 mappers were truely thriving and producing high-quality maps at a very prolific rate. 
Battle Mech News 
The Quake1 mod Battle Mech has gotten some nice screenshots posted at moddb.
They're rather plain compared to gameplay because the test map has not been lit. They do give a decent impression though.

Here are a couple samples:

The mod is very easy to map for, and has interesting gameplay. It's scheduled for release in June, during QExpo. I can be contacted at
static _ void @ hotmail . com
if you're interested (remove the spaces from the addy if you're not a spam bot *wink*). 
Battle Mech News 
The Quake1 mod Battle Mech has gotten some nice screenshots posted at moddb.
They're rather plain compared to gameplay because the test map has not been lit. They do give a decent impression though.

Here are a couple samples:

The mod is very easy to map for, and has interesting gameplay. It's scheduled for release in June, during QExpo. I can be contacted at
static _ void @ hotmail . com
if you're interested (remove the spaces from the addy if you're not a spam bot *wink*). 
Battle Mech News 
Looks better in the maps I made. 
Porrasturvat Clone For UT2K3

Nice :)

(Porrasturvat was that game where you pushed the guy down the stairs, if you've forgotten) 
New Zealand...

my ex girlfriend was from there...

but I'm not going to whine on this forum.

*scuttles along* 
Pherrous Redesigned *yawn* 
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