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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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you have a point there... :) 
That stuff looks tasty. But I have a rebuttal: Valve has doen a really nice job in that dept. with HL2. 
True Biff 
but stalker and this new game just have a lot more grit and grime, hmm perhaps its just the 3d engine they are using but half-life 2 looked a bit to shiney at times and it detracted from the run-down look of everything in places. 
HL2 Art Director was Viktor Antonov from ex-USSR (,10802/

Metro 230 is being made by the same people who worked on Stalker. 
Make Quicktime VRs Free! 
I did a little digging and came across a free Quicktime panoramic/VR tool that'll take an image and make it into a pannable .MOV to embed. Here's a tutorial and link:

And here is my attempt - I did NOT know what I was doing, I just took like 5 screenshots of a map by turning right in intervals and stitched 'em together. But it works:

I also found more utilities that I have not yet tried. But I thought I'd have to spend money on official VR tools to do this, and I don't. I think this would be great for screenshots! 
Antonov Fucking Rules. 
Everyone, go get the Raising the Bar HL2 book, and gawk at his concept art. 
yes, it rocks! 
Friction tried this a while ago and got a few of us into it:

I have others, but they're not on my site, and I'm at work. 
does anyone still have the panoramas I made for concrete dreams or derelict? I seem to have lost them in a hard drive failure. 
While that'd do as a source image, it's not the best representation for a map a- because of the curving. Unless viewers knew that panoramic images (depending how they were shot) naturally curve, they'd be thinking "my what a curvy map!".

Here be ye: 
Viktor Antonov 
Some pics for us without the book: 
The 2 Latest Screenshots... 
... of my current project that uses Doom3 texture sets I presented during QExpo (it is the same map btw)

What do you think ? Would it be suitable for the Xmas Base Pack ? 
wow you have come a long way since your 1st map!

The doom 3 textures actually look ok in Quake 1, you seem to have done a good job on the conversion.

I like the 1st screenshot, very dark and atmospheric, 2nd is ok but is too bright imo. 
Looks Good 
I want it. I think that it would work fine in the base pack - but I have no swaying power over the internet. at least not with adults...
sm theme suggestion - jailbait. 
In first screenshots, there is flickering light in "cage" above the stairs... it is not so dark in fact...
Anyway, thanks for the comments ;P 
In My Opinion 
The ceiling texture on the second shot looks very bad. The rest is very nice! 
DaZ - Sarcasm? 
I cant see much at all on 1st pic
2nd is OK, dark still

d3 tex look all wrong
ceiling/floor in particular 
that QT pano is pretty shibby. :)

Although, the shot wasn't 360� - it only goes through about 210�, so it technically shouldn't wrap.

and, JPL -

why are all those textures lit from underneath? are they upside down?

uh ... you didn't make them that way, did you? The green channel of a normal map goes from black for up-facing to white for down-facing ... 
No, they are not upside down... I just "missed" the darkness / light position. Thanks for the comments. 
i really like the doom3 textures. i hope more people use them in Q1 maps. 
Underworldfan / Lunaran 
UWF: I'm currently working on a map that use Doom3 texture only... It is a kind of Doom3 "remake" (title, story, etc.... you'll discover later) and I still have a lot of work before finishing the map, so you'll also have to wait some months I guess, before reviewing the map ;P

Lunaran: Well, after your comment, I checked the Doom3 texture set I converted into Quake wad format, and I have to admit that many of the textures already have "pre-implemented" shadow zones... I'm aware it limits texture placement vs light position, but I think it is manageable with some creativity.. Globally it comes from the 3D-FX files from original Doom3 texture set I used to create the relief effect: I used some grey conversion and brightness/contrast modifications in order to give more relief to the final texture, using transparent overlapping... maybe too much... 
~all q1 textures have preimplemented light directions, since there's no bumpmapping in q1.
You just have to make sure it's top-down. 
sounds intriguing,

.. It is a kind of Doom3 "remake" (title, story, etc.... you'll discover later)

Given the size of the Doom3 levels you may be able to fit an entire remake in one map! 
I didn't say it will be a signal map... ;) 
Which Is Good, Cause It Wouldn't Have Made Sense... 
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