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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

Need a place to host your screenshots? Upload them here:
Username: quaketastic
Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
File size limit is 128MB.
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That One's Not Quite Up To Scratch, Fric 
The lighting seems a bit weak, and there are alignment errors on the top section of wall. Burning thingy is cool though. 
I've Been Working On A DOOM Map! 
That's pure sex. PURE SEX. 
You Can Tell It's A Biff Map... 
just from the curves! 
Little One 
trying with a map, and colours.
gave me 11 HOM's, is untextured.
still not play balanced, but has fun! 
I'm Not A Mapper 
but maybe they look better when textured.
why the hom:s? do you use WC carve or vertex edit? 
You build huge.

But, if theres anything I like, it's archways in base tex. No one really does that, but done well I think it can look great. 
My Map Is Beta 
Ok. My map is ready for beta testing. Hurray!
Here are the updated and new screenshots:

You can also check out these pictures on my web page:
(I have problems with viewing the updated pictures with my Opera - the program somehow rememberes the old version of the pics, so you better use a different browser).

I need 3 or 4 beta testers. If you are willing to help me with testing please send me an email ( I would apreciate it very much. Thanks. Ankh. 
Very Nice screenshots indeed ! 
Nice Screens Ankh 
my map is close to alloc_block full
and the brushes are off grid.

but I'm only trying 
slow down and be careful. 
ankh: nice, but this red texture looks odd compared to the rest

madfox: trims and proper alignment plz 
/me Is Waiting 
I'm still waiting for some mail from happy people who want to help with playtesting my map. Get your chance! :) 
OK... Please send the stuff at lambert_jph-at-yahoo-dot-fr ... ;P 
MadFox is back! great
needs more colors and less alignment 
Your Linguistic Is Neg!eckting 

I wonder if this mapstyle could be good for doom3 engine. And I don't know how to optimize my map. 
nice stuff, I especially liked the spikes, too bad the engine sucks for wood and bricks and all that, they are way too reflective / care about light direction.
Aalto would be proud of those curvy brickthings, have to take photos of an industrial building in Salmisaari some day... 
I think it looks like a Q3 map dressed in Doom 3 tech, and because of this looks a bit inconsistent. Maybe some brush polishing will help. 
actually, i think that looks really good, here... nice mix of curvy metal and bricks/wood

i'd love to see that finished! 
ok I continu this map.
Is there hint on d3 ?
And where can I found another skybox ?
Bambuz : you mean that I must replace wood and brick texture by metal or something like that ? 
Doom Has No Hints 
And because it's a portal engine, there's no vis either. 
How can I obtain a skybox in Q1 
You have to place the skybox tga textures in gfx/env directory, with proper extensions (e.g <skybox_name>up.tga, <skybox_name>dn.tga, etc...), and declare it in worldspawn using your editor... In the map it is writen like this:

// worldspawn
"classname" "worldspawn"
"message" "'MadFox's Map Title'"
"worldtype" "2"
"light" "20"
"_sunlight" "100"
"_sun_mangle" "45 -10 0"
"_anglesense" "0.5"
"_range" "0.6"
"_dist" "0.8"
"sky" "<skybox_name>"
"wad" "gfx/QuArK.wad"

I hope it helps you ;P 
can be found e.g. here:

If your engine supports skyboxes but doesn't load them off worldspawn like JPL suggests, you can always try loading them manually with commands sky, loadsky etc. 
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