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People Usually Frown On Backtracking These Days. 
that's a lot of spam. 
Holy Shit 
what sort of spam was that? 
50 new posts!

Still Not Convinced Another Proper Quake Is Happening 
They have dug themselves into a hole by making Quake 2 the current quake mythos, and I really can't see them rebooting it completely back to the world of Quake 1.

They are much more likely to try to awkwardly merge the Quake 1 and 2 worlds together; a compromise that would leave a worse taste in my mouth than Jimmy Saville's special "frozen yoghurt" lollipops. 
Don't Pretend Those Aren't Totes Delish 
I'm not so sure about that... We already saw some organic/machine hybrids on Q1... who's to say the Strogg didn't get the idea from the "enemy codenamed Quake"? 
They are much more likely to try to awkwardly merge the Quake 1 and 2 worlds together

Hrm, maybe, yeah. I hope not. I see them trying to make wolf, doom and quake as distinct from one another as possible, though.

I hope they ditch the strogg. Quake2/4 is essentially doom with less interesting enemies/story. 
Had a strong individual mythology and theme for sure. Hell it almost had a plot which Q1 didn't. Q4 should have been a good reboot of that, but it was pretty forgettable.

Could there be a better reboot of it?? Possibly but then it would be pretty much directly competing with Doom4.

Could there be a blend of Q1 and Q2?? Possibly but then I really want to see Kinn sucking them lollipops.... 
When you boil it down though, Doom and Quake are pretty interchangeable.

Doom: Tech base, rocky alien planet, hell, demons, mecha-demons.

Quake 1: Tech base, medieval, sort-of-hell, demons.

Quake 2/4: Tech base, rocky alien planet, cyborgs that may as well be mecha-demons.

All of the Quake and Doom games have freely cross-pollinated with each others weapons, powerups, and game mechanics.

IMO Doom should just keep on being Doom, and Quake needs to ditch all the tech base stuff and just be about ancient fortresses of monsters and knights, and imaginative lovecraftian nether-realms, that are very different to the Doom Hell stuff. 
<- Quake. 
When most gamers say "Quake", they think Quake 3 or at best Quakeworld. ID would likely just use the Quake IP for multiplayer focused titles if they're smart. 
Doom And Quake 
Are two sides of one coin, that coin being "id shooter". (The IDS exchange rate is currently regaining stability vs the dollar.)

Doom = explicit themes and plot, Quake = implicit themes and plot. The other day we had a brief but interesting talk on #tf about Lovecraft in Quake and czg made a good point how the final game doesn't have anything that relies upon the Lovecraft influences. Meanwhile Doom's depiction of Hell is very flashy and overt.

With Doom 3, they tried to make a Doom game but got too much stuff from the other side of the coin, and got a game that's neither a fast shooter or an atmospheric one. 
IMO Doom should just keep on being Doom, and Quake needs to ditch all the tech base stuff and just be about ancient fortresses of monsters and knights, and imaginative lovecraftian nether-realms, that are very different to the Doom Hell stuff.

I agree completely. Maybe with a dash of brown techbase :) Can you imagine a bloodbourne/dark souls fps? hnnnggg

ID would likely just use the Quake IP for multiplayer focused titles if they're smart.

Eh, I'm not so sure about that. I think trying to essentially resurrect Q3 is a fools errand. The demand for that type of shooter is relatively small and the market seems saturated with those games, both f2p and p2p. (xonotic, warsow, reflex, toxikk, the new UT and many more). Also, what if that were to fail? The negative publicity simply isn't worth it IMO. I feel like the doom mp is clear message that they are not interested in going that route. 
Map Stream Soon 
Did I cause that?

Quake 1 needs a focused team of creatives free from corporate mandate to be properly remade.

Also, All the Quake games had a story after a fashion, just not a very good one. They did however tell their stories very well; with spinning bits of metal, showers of gibs and atmosphere. 
not sure that quake 3 told its story well :) 
Id needs to revisit RAGE really. 
Quake Doesn't Need Remaking 
That said, an id shooter with a lovecrafty vibe would not go amiss.
Or if we just want to see more shamblers in our lives, a community effort to mod Doom 4 in a quake style would make me jizz 360 degrees around the room like a watersprinkler 
you obviously haven't read my 50 or so volumes of Quake 3 fan-fiction, mostly absolutely filthy. Fills in a lot of blanks in the strongly-implied Sarge-Daemia romance 
a community effort to mod Doom 4 in a quake style would make me jizz 360 degrees around the room like a watersprinkler

Well there first needs to be a community effort to persuade id/bethesda to release the tools that make it possible to enable community efforts in the first place.

Without that, I'm afraid we won't be seeing any semen-based catherine-wheel action any time soon. 
Lol, Forgot About That 
minor setback 
4 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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