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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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And Just To Prove It 
here's a shot of my latest map... 
lol! :D 
Don't see any knave textures in that one :P 
The Future Was Yesterday 
whatever happened to that base style map you were pimping ages ago (the one with lots of funky angles and rock). 
I got hired :) 
with who ? 
That looks nice. Go map. 
Thing is, quake is no longer interesting for me
I hardly check any new maps and dont enjoy making gameplay for it.. any1 wants to help? geometry is done (could use some more details and polish, but its ok as is)

how about you shamb? you know how to place monster? 
If That Base Map 
is in any semi-finished state, you should pass that to somebody. That looked really good. 
Fair enough.

If you can pass it on to someone (not Aguire ^_~), that would be cool. 
Depending on the schedule in which you want the map to be finished, I would be interested in doing the final detailing and polishing. My email address is in my profile. 
If you can pass it on to someone (not Aguire ^_~), that would be cool.

Put a link up for it and let a bunch of people work on it - it would be cool to see what could come out of that. 
I don't know why you're so opposed to the idea
if you don't plan to finish the maps anyway
something great might come out it
ie; Mike Woodham made two maps based on my unfinished stuff; aguirRe finished the Night Journey; none of that would have happened if I hadn't released my unfinished stuff 
Crappy Map Release... 
I can easily understand mappers that don't want to "deliver" their most crappy maps: it's a question of prestige..

... though... ;) 
Mike Woodham mailed me some 3 yrs ago and I gave him map file(s?).. dont remember already
Any one could do it, as I already told

releasing unfinished scraps to the public is not much use and I dont want to do it
for me its like giving out half-baked cookies :)

if you want to mess with sources - go see czg maps. they are great and truly deserve to be made playable (have any one made something of those in 3 years?)

there are (were?) damauls maps too 
I love half-baked cookies. Sometimes I eat cookie dough raw. 
A Little Bit Of Stuff 
Anyone in #tf recently will have heard me asking for feedback on these. 
is there more of that outdoor stuff like in the first shot? or is that pretty much it?

beyond that, it looks nice, with of course the prerequisite dark d3 lighting (considered that lightmap baking method?)

is that for normal d3 or the RoE expansion? cause i don't have the expansion :( 
Right Now That's It 
Right now that's it for outdoors, however that was my first try at modelling terrain and importing it into d3 so I expect to be making more.

No lightmap baking, looking at the time it would take to do, the payoff doesn't seem worth it. Also then you run into bugs with dynamic lights.

Straight vanilla d3 all the way, don't have the RoE expansion either. 
Almost everything seems to be "axial" wich makes it look a bit boring otherwise it looks like good build quality. It would also be nice if you could push it a bit from the typical doom 3 look but that's of course more of a personal wish... 
...ya, I'm using a couple of CZG scraps in one of the Travail levels. 
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