I recently recorded some Youtube videos for Retro Jam 5, and in the process discovered a glitch with regard to model loading. I'd initially passed it off as an Nvidia driver problem, but I'm not sure. EricW commented on
one of my videos to see if I could reproduce it, and he'll be happy to know I've managed to do so:
1.) Running Quakespasm 0.92.1 (I was running 0.92.0 for the videos, but 0.92.1 works the same way) and Nvidia driver 375.95, run quakespasm -game retrojam5, make sure the game is running at 1920x1080.
2.) In the console, load my RJ5 entry with 'map retrojam5_tens'.
3.) Hit Escape, and in Options|Video Options, change the resolution to 1280x720 and Apply Changes.
4.) Load the first map in the pack, 'map retrojam5_breezeep'. You should see two light fixtures at the far end of the room with flames in them, clearly visible, no problems yet.
5.) Drop the console and go back to my map with 'map retrojam5_tens'.
6.) Again in Video Options, switch back to 1920x1080 and Apply Changes.
7.) Load Breezeep's entry with 'map retrojam5_breezeep' and the flames should be invisible.
If you follow the same procedure, but replace retrojam5_breezeep with retrojam5_newhouse, you'll find not only missing flames but invisible enforcers, which makes for
a bit of interesting gameplay. Not sure why it only affects some models, or how I might reproduce the glitchy blue polygons you can see in parts of my video for NewHouse's map, I'm sorry.
It's a bit of a convoluted procedure, but in prepping for the video recording I was toying with my settings, going back and forth between maps and changing resolution, so it's no wonder I stumbled over whatever's happening here.