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The demo sucked major ass so I took it down. You'll have to wait until I get something decent done, if ever. Did you want music done or site design done? 
Well get p/a done first :) then you can put all your stuff on their. 
Been playing through this recently, just finished the dark campaign and am on level 3 or so of the light campaign.

Fucking visuals and map design 0wnz j00!!!
There is so much here to look at, and it all looks fucking sp00ge worthy, I would recommend this game to anyone who has ever wanted inspiration for a new gothic map, each level looks different but stays coherant to a main theme, some of the levels just blew me away with the designs and details in them, fucking awesome stuff!

The light campaign is a little less impressive from what I've seen so far, still looks very nice n all but the dark campaign just oozes l337'ness from all over the place.

Shame that the actual game comes down to a basic "fucking go mental and hit stuff quick!!" type game in the end. Aiming is especially frustrating with bows/crossbows as the hit detection is so precise you can miss by a whisker, which is very frustrating and didn't need to be this advanced, box collision would have worked so much better imo.

You can get new characters to play as you progress, some are great and some are near useless, the goblin 0wnz j00, while the lich and sorcress suck monkey nuts, the assassin is very cool as well but it partially ruined by said aiming trouble with her primary weapons.

Anyone in need of a serious dose of "woohoo sp00ge" level design should buy this game, its worth the money for the inspiration alone, and if you like the gameplay then thats a bonus.

One pic to show you what I mean, this level is one of the less impressive ones imo, I'll get some more soon of the Uber stuff : 
My Fav Enclave Level 
is the daylight Celadia Village. The z-fog is just perfect, and it oozes atmosphere from every polygon seam. 
Cheers For That Daz 
You know I was just thinking about Enclave last night and wondering if I should get it as the "Fantasy/Gothic" section on my new PC (it arrived, whoop!) is sadly lacking.

Can you tell me a bit more about the combat - how difficult is it, how hectic is it, is there any/much instant death stuff, what is using the save points like?? I've heard it can be frustrating due to the lack of normal saving, how did you find it??

Oh And... 
...anyone else's opinions would be valued too, thanks. 
There is hardly any instant death, the only one I had was when an elven archer managed to fill her bow with 8 or so arrows and then launch them into my face - owww :)

Combat can be good when its 1v1 or 1v2. But in the later levels it can be as much as 1v4-7 and it kinda just degenerates into a "who can hit faster?!" kinda battle, but the 1v1's can be quite good.

Also depending on what character you use, some have access to stuff like bombs and firebombs that you can throw, a novelty really but its quite fun dropping a bomb onto someones head ;D

Err back to difficulty, I found it very difficult on medium skill, but this isn't the kinda game I usually play so maybe I just suck, there were points where I wanted to give up cos I kept dying but wondering what the next area / level would look like kept me going :) 
Help Needed :( 
I get this error trying to run GLQuake or GLquakeworld (after installing qw2.30client).

"This application has failed to start because glide2x.dll was not found, Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

Now my problem is that I don't have my quake CD anymore and I was wondering whether there was a way to fix this without installing it again? 
One Might Suggest... 
...that installing glide2x.dll may help. 
remove opengl32.dll from your quake dir. 
All Good 
Opengl32.dll removed and all is good. Thank you greatly. 
For gothicy goodness I recommend Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. 
Once Upon A Time 
you could do bombjumps in ....but that was before release... 
Quake Mouse Problem?? 
Hmmm. I am having a hard time with my optical mouse in Quake. Works fine in UT2K3Demo, but in Quake, it feels like it varies between properly responsive and quite sluggish, and often refuses to turn for a crucial micro second.

Any ideas / solutions?? 
Me Too 
I have a Microsoft Intellimouse and sometimes it obviously thinks it amusing to spasmodically do a turn then point diagonally upwards, it also does this in EnemyTerritory too, 
Mouse Problems 
You didn't install any special software like IntelliPoint when you installed your mouse, did you? Sometimes it interferes with things. The default mouse driver works fine for optical mice. 
Did you get my email? 
Optical Mice 
I just use the default driver that windows assigns and I have no problems in any games. 
We're discussing it at the 'mo.
Expect a reply soonish. 
Shambler - Mouse 
You could try running one or both of these parameters from the command line or your quake shortcut, see if it helps:

-noforcemaccel -noforcemparms

i came. not even anything there expect a front page and some sound... but it still exciting.! 
that monster looks like a black shambler to these eyes. 
That Monster 
is the Hell Knight, is it not? From the end of the leaked demo... 
On Second Thoughts 
Kell i think your closer than me.

As usual. :P 
...cheers for the thoughts guys. Nope, no extra software installed AFAIK.

Fribbles I will try that thanks.

Checking in the Control Panel > Mouse, I haven't noticed anything untoward except that "Enhance Pointer Precision" is set ON. Turning it off slows down the mouse in Windows but doesn't seem to have an effect so far in Quake.. 
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