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Of Course I'm Biased, But 
The DKT3 one doesn't tile well at all. 
#1 fo sho 
Lavar (to Wash) 
#1 is really really bright and doesn't seem to match the dim lighting. I suggest trying Kell's lava texture (from Contract Revoked) if you haven't already. 
Shot 2 
though the texture could be a bit less red
the #2 lava looks like the "chem tiberium" from c&c:tiberian sun in my opinion... 
And. .. 
... DKT3 lava texture fits more with the foggy-gloomy ambiance IMHO... So I vote for screenshot 2 ! 
No. 2... 
Suits the rock texture at lava level to a tee :) 
But try Contract Revoked lava as it is the best imho 
Thanks Everyone. 
OK, decision made and you'll all see which one I have chosen when you play the map.

(Cor blimey mate, you bin fishin or what) 
Even though it's too late, I actually like the contrast that the bright lava in #1 creates. 
Damn Also... 
...because I think you should dick both of those for this atmosphere and go with metl's rubicon lava. 
Rubicon Lava... 
...seems to be the standard ID (quake101.wad) lava? 
not rubicon lava!!! :P 
there's some nicely tiling lava in the rocket arena pak I think. 
vanila quake lava plz 
I found this pack of lava textures one time, but don't know who made them (no readme.txt), but they seem like they may tile properly: 
Some super-bastard lavas there: I'm playing with them now. 
i think the problem is not with the choice of lava texture (they're all decent), but with the massive brightness change from the fullbright lava and the fulldark brick columns coming out of the lava. Put some light sources down near the lava, so it looks more like it's glowing a bit, then the transition won't be so jarring. 
Yes, you're right. The original screenies do show a section of stone and lava correctly lit: see #2545 above, third shot.

I think more than anything it was the tiling that I was concened about but as I say, I have now selected the lava that I will use.

Thanks for your comments anyway. 
I hear start.bsp has a good lava texture too. 
Luv it :-)

Blah, blah... melting icecaps and the sea levels are rising; blah, blah... price of oil looks like it will drop back to pre-hurricane prices; blah, blah... blistering speeds proven on the new G4s; oh yes, and did you catch the quality of that lava in start.bsp - I've been told it's really good...

(Read the above in your head using a psuedo-newscaster type voice, kinda mid-Atlantic disc jockey)

Made me chuckle just imagining the scenarios of how you 'heard' about it.

Anyway, honest, I've now selected the lava I will use. But what I might do is give FMB-BDG a start map where the player can choose their lava texture: that could provide a solution to suit everyone ;-)

Ooooh, I've eaten too much rice pudding! 
"But what I might do is give FMB-BDG a start map where the player can choose their lava texture."

You're no serious are you mike ? Just go with what you picked. 
Just a joke, honest.

I promise not to mention lava again. (Well, at least, not in this post!) 
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