Been playing through this recently, just finished the dark campaign and am on level 3 or so of the light campaign.
Fucking visuals and map design 0wnz j00!!!
There is so much here to look at, and it all looks fucking sp00ge worthy, I would recommend this game to anyone who has ever wanted inspiration for a new gothic map, each level looks different but stays coherant to a main theme, some of the levels just blew me away with the designs and details in them, fucking awesome stuff!
The light campaign is a little less impressive from what I've seen so far, still looks very nice n all but the dark campaign just oozes l337'ness from all over the place.
Shame that the actual game comes down to a basic "fucking go mental and hit stuff quick!!" type game in the end. Aiming is especially frustrating with bows/crossbows as the hit detection is so precise you can miss by a whisker, which is very frustrating and didn't need to be this advanced, box collision would have worked so much better imo.
You can get new characters to play as you progress, some are great and some are near useless, the goblin 0wnz j00, while the lich and sorcress suck monkey nuts, the assassin is very cool as well but it partially ruined by said aiming trouble with her primary weapons.
Anyone in need of a serious dose of "woohoo sp00ge" level design should buy this game, its worth the money for the inspiration alone, and if you like the gameplay then thats a bonus.
One pic to show you what I mean, this level is one of the less impressive ones imo, I'll get some more soon of the Uber stuff :