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almost forgot to annouce sm56!

theme is medivel/episode 2 and the time limit will be your standard 100 mins. sp or dm are allowed, most people seem to be making sp maps.

we'll be meeting at 4pm est in #speedq1 on to map... almost wonder what the turnout will be like, seeming as I already have 4 maps submitted to me by email (and 1 for sm57 next week!). If you want to email me a map, is my email. 
15.58185% - Geek 
Happy 19th Birtday man!!! :D 
8:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::D~~~~~ (|) Empty This! 
Stop using Bert's name in vain! >< 
Phait: I think everyone stopped paying any attention to you long ago... so please just go away. 
I honestly do not understand you. I can only assume you don't favor my presence simply because of my revelation some time ago that I never felt like voting. Grow the hell up. 
I don't favor your presence because you're a complete retard who doesn't map, and has 'quit' this community at least twice without adding anything except your own attention whoring idiocy (see GA post #2547 as a prime, recent example) for the year you've been around.

Go map, or go away. 
You come off as this immature little prick, which is fine by me. It suits you, I think. I'm laughing at you right now, actually. I have already contemplated what I am even contributing to this place. It's not been a priority for awhile. I have the fucking right to post here, read here. Metl is the owner - if he desires me to leave, so be it. Get over yourself, over me, and ignore me. 
Call Friction! 
Tell him to bring two king-size buckets. 
Yeah, well my brush count's bigger than your's 
14.00394% - Geekish Tendencies 
Re: Phait 
I'd say on-topic (Maps and Mapping) is fine. Mapping Gods do have a bit more leeway in using this as a blabber room. 
horse-shit. anyone are welcome to blabber on. but at the same time, anyone's bullshit can get called. so it evens out in the end. 
why not be nice to each other ? 
I don't care all that much about Scampie's asshole-ishness. I already questioned myself some time ago why I still post here, yet have nothing to contribute. All I can say is I may be motivated to provide something in the future that I'm more confident in - texturing or something. But until then, I'm a Quake fan, reading a Quake related board, and posting what I please. There's alot of crap here that most forum mods would get anal over - which doesn't make it any less welcome for me to post, in my opinion. 
Moderated Forums 
usually suck alot more than the unmoderated ones. 
Ssssh! I'm hoping this will escalate so I can market it as an online catfight.

If anyone finds an x10 in their room, you probably put it there yourself and forgot so just leave it alone.... 
I'm just going to take Phait's advice, and ignore him. I suggest you all do the same. 
a meta-insult! way to turn up the heat. 
And I was just about to let you guys get your hands on the latest version of Doom III, but obviously you're a bunch of in-fighting pussies. YOU COULDN'T HANDLE IT!

Oh well. Guess I'll get Romero to be my bitch again... 
who ever that is, thanks. :) 
SP UT Howto 
If anyone is still interested in my Cat Bombs level craziness, I added instructions on my site to run SP levels on Unreal Tournament: ... Just got UT and the permanent corpses, blood and burn marks in Oldskool make it look much better ;) . Or just wait a week or three and the improved followup should be done. 
Would Anyone Here Be Interested In A Gibbable Corpses Tutorial? 
I've noticed a few of you occasionally include a modified progs.dat with your maps to enhance the atmosphere or add monsters or other features (glassman's one of the people that comes to mind as someone who does this well).

I was just wondering if anyone here would be interested in a tutorial I wrote that will make player and monster corpses gibbable. The corpses behave like UT's bodies, i.e. you can walk right through them without inhibiting your movement or having to pop them (kickable corpses weren't as fun to me).

I like to be able to pop shambler corpses when I'm done with 'em. However, on many well-done maps, the player probably will not have the ammo to spare on such a frivilous activity. Still, it's a nice touch, something the player will notice every once in a while when an ogre's stray grenade hits a body.

The tutorial should be fairly easy to follow. You should know a tiny bit about QC code, but if you don't, I'll be happy to help.

If you're interested, let me know and I'll post a link. If not, flame away. I've come to expect that in this board. ;) 
So long as the giblets get killed soon after (so as to lower the erm... epolys?) it'd be cool I guess. Couldn't say I'd personally use it though. 
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