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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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Question For Dummies 
will Spike's code be integrated into the next Quakespasm release or it is intended to be a stand-alone piece of software? 
Thanks for the explanation about the weapon offset. I hope the patch or another kind of fix finds its way into a release eventually :)

Regarding Mark V, I noticed that it's better there, although unfortunately the beta release of the mark_v.exe crashes on my computer, unlike the latest stable release. However, I've used the WinQuake port of Mark V for playing through Quake the first time only recently and it worked flawlessly :) Now onto Arcane Dimension with Quakespasm. For the time being I'll stick to scr_ofsx -2.8. 
For The Few Mac Users Out There 
Mousewheel weapon switching is broken on macOS 10.12 due to a SDL2 bug:

The SDL1.2 version seems to be unaffected.

Icaro: I'm not sure.. For the time being, it's a fork / branch. 
Hey Guys 
If I were to modify gl_model.c to allow for more animated textures (beyond 10 per surface) would I also need to modify the compilers to save the extra textures (beyond +9) to the bsp file? 
You can add the textures the manual way by including a brush in the void with the desired textures. That's how we used to do it in the old days before compiler did it for you. 
Is this a change that the guys would be willing to see incorporated into the engine? I don't want to fragment the engine ecosystem for such a small change.

Especially with spikes modifications being released too. 
OGG Music Has Stopped Working In Quakespasm 
My music has spontaneously stopped working in quakespasm. I have the tracks as ../ID1/music/trackXX.ogg, which used to work fine. But now I get no music and a message in the console saying

Findfile: can't find music/trackXX.mp3
Findfile: can't find music/trackXX.flac
Findfile: can't find music/trackXX.wav

Any ideas what might have caused this? 
animated textures ... beyond 10 per surface

It is 20 per surface already according to this ...

Which was written by metlslime, hehe. 
Pretty sure that 20 is regular + alternate anims. 
0-9 for regular animations. a-j for alternative animations. the limit is due to the base animations using digits, although the alternative anims could be bumped to 26 chars.
more than 10 (or 26 for alt) requires getting people to agree with a single consistent naming system within the 16-char name limit, and that all gets far too political... 
What I was thinking was expanding the frames by a factor of 10 for the numbers and leaving the alternate animations alone. +00 to +99 is what I was thinking.

If nobody cares for it that's cool too, I won't make this change unless the QS authors are cool with it. Like I said engine ecosystem and all. 
Slimealpha Worldspawn Key Does Not Work In Quakespasm 
slimealpha worldspawn key does not work in Quakespasm

The value seems to never be honored. Unless I'm doing something

Put in worldspawn:

"slimealpha" "1" // Nope, uses r_wateralpha

All the other ones work like "telealpha" and "lavaalpha". 
It's working for me.. tried "slimealpha" "1", as well as "slimealpha" "0.1" in worldspawm.

Does the r_slimealpha cvar work for you? The interaction between the cvar and the worldspawn key is a bit confusing.. when the map loads, if the worldspawn key is set, that gets used until the next time you change the cvar. So the cvars behave like the fog command.

Also if the cvar or worldpsawn key is 0 (the default), that is interpreted as "use r_wateralpha" 
Here is an example of misbehaving, although apparently in different way.

1. Empty Quake folder, just pak0.pak + pak1.pak
2. This start.ent in quake/id1/maps

Mainly featuring ...

"lavaalpha" "0.5"
"telealpha" "0.5"
"slimealpha" "1"
"wateralpha" "0.7"

3. Result: No water transparency but the other 3 settings are used. 
I *think* that might just be un-water-vised transparent water? QS defaults to gl_clear 1 so you get grey tinted instead of a HOM. 
No -- It's Slime Alpha 
I type r_novis 1 in console. Now water is transparent like it should be.

And although I specified slimealpha 1 in the worldspawn, it is not being used.

Slime is transparent but I said 1! (which is not transparent)

Slime is under medium bridge. I typed "fov 10" to magnify.

Test was that start.ent, no config (I deleted every time to make sure it couldn't be config) and just the pak0/pak1. 
Are You Sure There's Slime In Start.bsp? 
under the "normal" bridge? It's not burning if I noclip into it.. 
Major fail on my part.

I suck. Haha. Sorry. 
This one isn't imaginary. :)

I wanted to check out Spike's skyrain in Quakespasm Spiked on E1M1. To make sure it was using the external ent file I changed the name in worldspawn. Never worked.

Tried other engines with external ent support = worked.

The Z fighting fix in quakespasm.pak apparently takes priority over an entity file for those maps like id1\maps\e1m1.ent

Just wanted to point this out. 
@Shamblernaut sorry for not responding earlier. I hate always to be grumpy; but I'm not keen on extending the number of animation frames just for engine fragmentation reasons.

Baker - thanks! Not sure what to do at the moment but that is an unfortunate behaviour. 
Load the quakespasm pak as third ticket in the priority for the id1 folder. 
Priority (for id1 folder):
1) Pak files (pak0.pak, pak1.pak, ..)
2) Free standing files
3) quakespasm.pak

/Mark V just patches the entity string if it passes a "is it right map?" check, but I understand why you guys chose a pak file. 
the path command shows all. first displayed has highest priority. 
Priority (for id1 folder):
1) Pak files (pak0.pak, pak1.pak, ..)
2) Free standing files
3) quakespasm.pak

For standalone ent files on the OS filesystem to take priority,
that order you mentioned needs changing to 3, 1, 2 (using your
numbers.) That may (or may not) have unwanted side effects, and/or
break things, which I don't know at the moment. 
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