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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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The same way as Sock and other top modern mappers use fog and coloured lighting. 
Custom Resolutions 
So, is it possible to use a custom screen resolution in full screen mode? Setting vid_height, vid_width in the config appears to do nothing unless it fits one of the standard resolutions available in the in-game menu. 
The menu should list all the video modes that your driver says it can support, so probably not, unless the list is incomplete. 
Bah Humbug 
Well, I'm trying to set it to 960x540 on my 1920x1080 laptop lcd (so, exactly half-resolution).

960x540 doesn't appear in the menu :{

Reason I'm trying this is because I think quake looks best at around 480 vertical resolution. I figured if I could set it to exactly half-resolution of my LCD it might minimise the shitty blurring that happens when LCDs try to display lower than native res. 
Play It Windowed At 1280x960 
that is 2x scaling

nice and simple. 
Well, I'm trying to set it to 960x540 on my 1920x1080 laptop lcd (so, exactly half-resolution).

I tried exactly that a few days ago with no luck :( I thought I was just doing something wrong, guess not... 
I'm trying to get a low-resolution display of the game blown up on the screen so I can see da pixels nice and chunky.

Anything in windowed mode isn't going to be blown up - unless I'm missing a trick here?

Also, I still kinda want it fullscreen and using the same aspect ratio as my monitor.... 
I always felt you had impeccable taste. 
Me Too 
Uh, Run In Dosbox With Dosquake? 
might have more luck

-width 960 -height 540 -fullscreen quakespasm in linux just defaults to 720p with a black border 
also, i assume you've run vid_describemodes in the console? 
Uh, Run In Dosbox With Dosquake?

Nah, that sounds like a rubbish way to play QuakeSpasm. 
Ah Gotcha 
so install windows in dosbox then install and play quakespasm 
also, i assume you've run vid_describemodes in the console?

Yes, hence:

960x540 doesn't appear in the menu

Anyway, if my laptop just can't display 960x540, then I guess I'm out of luck. Stupid laptop. 
What kind of GPU is in the laptop? On this computer (Geforce 210) the Nvidia control panel seems to think it can set a custom resolution not supported by the monitor (LCD 27" 1920x1020"), but by default only lists the standard resolutions down to 800x600. I've never tried it though. 
GeForce GTX 765M 
Creating Work For Other People 
This is my attempt at getting some of the things that annoy me about quakespasm resolved, as well as some stuff that I think people like Sock would want to use if they could.
1 patch
1 readme
1 qsextensions.qc file
1 win32 binary (without deps)
some source files (without libraries)
1 copy of the gpl license...

Check the readme for the actual changes.
I'll probably update it a bit when people find all my bugs, or if someone I respect critisies me for not bothering adding something I was too lazy to bother with or didn't think of. Or other weasel phrases that get me out of any obligations both expressed or implied... 
Spike makes it sound boring. Has some very, very serious Kung Fu in the patch.

/Laughs are strlcat/strlcpy inclusion, I can't stand to see code that doesn't use those BSD originated functions. 
goddamn, just seeing QC file access stuff is almost enough to get me modding again. I haven't even read the rest of the readme! 
what is "bsp introspection"? 
Bsp Introspection 
@Kinn, posh words for DP_QC_GETSURFACE (which is handy for figuring out textures, or weird particle effects or whatever, I've used it to align csqc UIs to walls in the past, but meh). AD uses it to fix solid-sky issues with vanilla maps. smc uses it for figuring out footsteps, etc.

@Baker, strlcat+strlcpy were already in there. I just included ALL the .c+.h files from the 'Quake' subdir, because I'm lazy. I only two new .c files, but they're both bigger than any of quakespasm's existing c files...
check the patch for the actual changes, and good luck trying to isolate the parts that you're interested in. 
Pretty Cool ... Best Stuff Is Easily Seen In Readme 

Spike adds the (float) type cast.
But in C, variadic parameters of float are converted to double.

/Just a jokey comment.

Misc Noticed #1 ...

#define TEDP_PARTICLERAIN 55 // [vector] min [vector] max [vector] dir [short] count [byte] color
#define TEDP_PARTICLESNOW 56 // [vector] min [vector] max [vector] dir [short] count [byte] color

Misc Noticed #2


eliminate pink edges on sprites, etc.
operates in place on 32bit data

spike -- small note that would be better to use premultiplied alpha to completely eliminate these skirts without the possibility of misbehaving.

Misc Noticed #3

Spike does something with SZ_Clear and SZ_GetSpace, probably fixing a bug. Looks like buf->overflowed was set to true, then nuked. However, the buf->overflowed=false was removed in SZ_Clear and SZ_Clear is called all over the place. (Mistake?? Too engine rusty but looks like a possible mistake. And what bug was it fixing? I believe there is a bug it was trying to fix)

Misc #4

Looks like Spike made MAX_MTU work on packets (it never worked in Fitz 0.85) and then implemented something to allow multiple ones. (Wondering, is backwards compatible? I would guess no. And backwards compatibility probably shouldn't be important in this case.)

Misc #5


#define NUMQUAKECOMMANDS (sizeof(quakebindnames)/sizeof(quakebindnames[0]))

I hate it when people don't do that, haha.

Misc #6


"spike -- this is actually a pointless waste of memory.
//its not like this data will actually be used beyond this function in any gl renderer.
//this makes copying it pointless"

memcpy ( tx+1, mt+1, pixels);

@Spike: In Mark V, I use that data to allow real-time toggling on/off of external textures. And if I recall right, I use that data to quickly reupload textures if a video resolution change occurs that doesn't let GL context be reused without re-reading it from disk.

Misc Note #7

Some great comments in net_dgrm.c


Anyways, it's all some very nice and incredible stuff in there! 
Spike - cheers - sounds very cool :)

oh wow the particle system sounds great :o 
Any Chance Of A Translation? 
Not everyone on func_ is a programmer/wizard/jesus... what's all the excitement about? 
There's a readme in the download. Kinn has rummaged through it.

I didn't reveal hardly any of huge surprises. 
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