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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Though, I'm Not Saying 
the facade is an extraordinary piece of work. The standards for level design and physical art are different to a degree where sophisticated technique goes unnoticed when seen on a day to day basis in the world around us, but you defininately note a set piece when it is placed in a level.

As for architectural technique, some things that they commononly do to arrange geometry I have only seen in a few realism oriented games.

With the facade, there are two stores in the shop. The Supermarket and a Ballet Studio. The supermarket which owns the parcel takes up about four fifths of the front, but by a visual trick, it is seen as centered.

The column and arches on the Supermarket side are half the width of the columns on the Ballet Studio side, so visually they even out, and the store front doesn't look ajared. 
I Should Have Something To Contribute To This... 
having a couple of years of University Architectural studies behind me but I just can't be arsed right now. 
More WIP From Scrotch 
nitin - Nice shit! I would love to see that as a D3SP! Hurry and add them crouching door imps!!! 
it migh be a while. Scortch mentioned this over at q3w :

"its built into the side of a large mountain/cliff. Im trying to make the terrain in maya, but Im not too famliar with the program so it may take a lil bit to get the hang of things before I can add that in to the map." 
a bit too monotone. 
Looks good, but those curved buttresses look a little odd to me. 
Fuck Yeah 
Looks really cool, nice to see a possible D3SP that isn't relying too much on D3's fancy gfx and actually has some DESIGN in it.

I reckon those walkways and shit could have good gameplay potential too. 
Yeah, that's it. Monotone.


Not quite as asstastic as your work, I'll give you that. 
Why Do You Need To Be A Dick? 
I was merely giving my opinion. Those shots are rather generally green in hue and I find that boring.

Oh wait, I've offended or don't agree with The Great Mr. Fribbles.

Christ. I hate you elitist fuckheads. 
Don't be a dick. 
I'm going to be controversial here and suggest that the lighting is predominantly green because it's an outdoor scene and the colour of the ambient outside lighting is, well, green. 
I Think It Also Depends 
on your monitor. I just checked on my Mac and while it's still green, I see other hues in it. Whereas on my PC's LCD, it seemed like everything was green. 
I don't mind the green in the shots, for a few reasons.

1.) It's better than black, which has been overused in Doom3 as of today imo. :D
2.) It's still alien and claustrophobic, so while it sets a completely different vibe it still retains an alien feel.
3.) It's better than some bright neon purple-pink like some faggy Quake 3 levels.

I won't say it's original lighting, but it's good imo. 
Go Frib Go! 
Green schmeen.

Mmmm beef. 
...this is sooooooo obviously a Q4 level I don't know why skrotch is even considering wasting it on D3. 
Hmm. #2360. 
good to see sacred trinity again. i still remember walking around the corner the first time and seeing that front shot aguire posted. =)

possibly one of the best Q1SP maps ever made!

one day...i might just do a review of nehahra, just for the record. would be a lot of work though of course...[just ask shambler]. 
Just make sure you use an updated engine when playing Nehahra to get rid of tech problems. 
Would There 
be an interest in me uploading a couple of more Nehahra shots? 
I need to download the packs for Nehahra again anyhow. 
Yay for pimping Nehahra aguirRe ;D your shots look a tad bright on my machine though.
By the way, your nehahra engine is pretty nice (and I never said this before, but your compilers rock, thanks). 
Yes, I noticed myself that the shots are a bit bright. They are from late 2004 and I think they got the standard gamma correction I usually make on shots. I believe it's better to see everything clearly in shots.

Especially neh2m3 suffers from the brightening and some terrible fog banding, possibly worsened by jpg distortion.

It looks better in-game where you can adjust gamma to your liking. 
I Guess 
it is safe to infer from this

(and I never said this before, but your compilers rock, thanks).

that Bal is mapping again. 
Another Nehahra Shot 
of Invein (by Iain Bruce): 
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