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Quick request, does anyone have a site that has listings for the original Q2DM custom shiznat (all the old headshot/retinal stuff etc)?

Oh, and since when has Ramshackle had buggered java? 
DM-Carcass (UT2003) 
This is a public beta version of the map. It is a fairly original style of map, looks very nice, although the screens don't do it justice IMO. Runs well, and good play to boot. The map has undergone heavy changes over the last week or two, just about a complete rebuild. I was lucky enough to have the author bring me around a copy of the previous beta to test, and it was a delight to play. The additions made to this version only enhance that even further. So if UT2003 is your thang, then go at it


Download (12.3MB) 
Unreal Zero: Cat Bombs 
This map is a sort of beta test for a variant of Unreal singleplayer gameplay. Gone is the superhuman ability of the normal Unreal creatures to absorb massive quantities of lead and projectiles, so now we can have large numbers of enemies (originally impractical, but no problem for the modern CPU).

For Unreal or Unreal Tournament. Get/see here: 
Sm55... It's... It's... 

er... I mean, it's going on tomorrow at 4pm est., #speedq1 on, or email it to me at

The theme... it's horrible... it's form is indescribible... the noneuclidean curves of it's monsterous face driving you mad with a single glace! That's right! Halloween is next Friday, so we'll be doing spooky/scary/horror themed maps! and yes, the Orgo texture set is close enough, but let's attempt to get some true scariness or fun halloweenish maps here. 
The Extraction 
It's ok. It stays pretty far in the background. Sometimes I prefer something like that and sometimes I prefer the more attention grabbing tracks like in DI. 
I'll work on something more captivating soon. 
unreal mod looks interesting, will check it out soon and hopefully give you some feedback. 
hmm, interesting idea but why not just use a game that originally deals with enemy hordes rather than modifying one that doesnt? Mapping wise, it's pretty plain and not my type of thing but I take it this is just a test map for the idea. 
Re: .. 
The only reason Unreal was considered to not support hordes was system requirements, so they made the game that way. Yet I expect I can throw almost anything at it and still end up with lower requirements than Serious Sam.

When I came down to thinking about it, there really isn't that many FPS games to map singleplayer for. Quake is fairly well taken care of. Sam, half the enemies aren't very mobile. Cube, did it. Doom, Q2, ahem. Half-Life, RtCW, AvP, even less open-ended than Unreal. Others, not enough have the original game. Unreal, can map for 2 games at once, tricky AI, results were pleasant surprise, editor worked on only the second try. Did I miss anything? 
...sounds truly horrible IMHO. Spoiling one of the aspects that made Unreal interesting and replacing it with typically tedious horde combat. No thanks.

P.S. There are fucking loads of games to map for. People are just too lazy. 
Sorry for any problems with the music demo, if you didn't get a chance to hear it but wanted to it's now reliably at

I'm also open to suggestions for my next demo... anything you'd like to hear in a game or a mod. I'll see if I can polish off something more suited for that, since this demo wasn't intended as an idea for in-game music. 
Spoiling one of the aspects that made Unreal interesting

More like really, really annoying. Sure, the visuals were so gorgeous that just wandering around admiring the sights was pretty nice, but why spoil it with horrendously annoying gameplay? Unreal was a sight-seeing tour with the occasional long-winded combat, which just made want to use cheats so that the enemies would stop harassing me.

Still, I don't know how well the Skaarj would work in hordes, as anyone who has played Unreal has gotten used to the idea of Skaarj being seemingly more intelligent and tough than an average monster. 
I'm Still Waiting For.. 
Prey.. and - well unless there's something I missed over the years (most likely).. oh and Duke Nukem For(n)ever. 
Know Why They Named It Duke Forever? 
'cause thats how long it'll take for them to release it... 
Re: 2352 And 2354 
Thanks Vigil, and no I didn't expect Shambler to like it. Realize by "hordes" we're talking more than 4 creatures (which the original guidelines limited to 50 polys onscreen with). More infighting, more emphasis on dodging. Expectations are still a problem. 
I Always Thought 
the monsters were fine but the weapons were weak(er). At least they wernt hitscan enemies that worked in teams. 
Gom Jabbar's Hideout 
To shamelessly quote my own words:

As you might see I have my new website online. It got a new look (which may change again soon, who knows) and a completely overhauled backend technology.

If you're interesed, go and have a look for yourself: 
Prey has basically been canned. 
sm55 cancelled. only Moz showed up.

next week we'll just get into our '4 seasons of quake episodes' megatheme 
"Prey has basically been canned."
Welcome to 1997. 
Just A Quick Note 
I'm bored, so I'm writing some new reviews for the Shed. Nastrond, Day of the Lords and some base map that some guy was yelling at me about earlier.

By the way: You know how there's a flap of "Shock and Awe" patents about, or so I've heard. What's the most wildly inappropriate/frighteningly appropriate sort of product you can think of?

I'll start:
* Vibrators
* Haemorrhoid cream
* Compost
* Ice cream 
Maybe I'll Take This Up Next Year

Mind you, with my legs I'd have to. Otherwise its trailing edges would drag on the ground you know. 
I would've mapped had I had a monitor... ne'er mind.

What's this megatheme gonna be like then? One set of ripoffs of each quake episode for each of the next 4 sessions or something? 
Fat Controller 
I forgive you. I can easily see how the map's beauty blinded you and caused you to be so dazed that you forgot to make a special update on your site devoted just to that one map. 
first week we do 'idbase' as the theme. next week is 'medivel', then 'runic/necro/goth', and finally 'elder world'. 
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